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"Hey, mob, are you free right now? Yes, I have a mission for you, can you come to ___? Is (y/n) with you? Yeah, bring her, please."

Reigen closed his phone, then started reassuring his costumers, as the ghost floated still, staring them off.

"Ah, amm, (y/n)..."

Meanwhile, mob was having a crisis, he knew the girl didn't like going to the work she didn't even sign up for.

"Yes, mob?"

But he knew she wouldn't leash out on him, he just didn't like the fact that he would be the one telling her.

"Amm, master said...."
"I get it, mob. He made you tell me to come. Don't worry, I don't hold anything against you, I already told you that!"

She assured him, then sighed, and started walking next to mob to their distention. That didn't mean she wasn't mad at that Reigen, and she was totally going to give him a piece of her mind.

She had told him many times not to throw telling her to mob because he didn't want to confront her, and he didn't even tell them in advance! He was so going to hear a piece of her mind!

They entered the building, mob stepping in before her, and ending the ghost, while she was looking down at the salt that covered the ground.

She knew mob could handle it, she didn't even need to spare it a glance, which was the main reason she didn't like to be on 'missions' with them.

And true to her belief, mob did handle everything on his own, and then told his master that he didn't like being not notified, nor did (L/n).

And as soon as he uttered her name, Reigen turned his head to face her, mindlessly apologizing to mob. He was ready to greet her with a big smile, but by the look on her face, he knew he wouldn't get one back.

"(N/n), how are you?"
"Not fine."

She opened her mouth, ready to give him a piece of her mind, but then her eyes flickered to the couple laying in the ground, and she immediately clicked her tongue.

She can't scold him now, she didn't want his image to waver if he managed to get one. She could save it for later, just like always.

They walked to the office of spirits and such consultation, and she gave him a sweet piece along the way. Just when they entered, they were called to another scene.

After a while, before the sunset, they arrived before a tunnel, a dark one, and sooner or later, the outside will join the tunnel in its darkness.

Her heart was beating rapidly against her ribs as she gazed at the dark tunnel. A hand on her shoulder alerted her of her lack of oxygen.

"You can wait here if you want, it'll be quick."

Reigen said in his soft voice, smiling at her knowingly. She tried to calm her breathing while nodding. He took his hand off reluctantly, and titled his head to point at the tunnel to Mob, who was watching worriedly.

As they went in, her clutching to the hem of her blouse became even tighter, her mouth opened, trying to catch her breath.

Sensing the tears wiggling in her eyes, she felt pathetic, and bit down on her lip. Through her blurry vision, she could see drips of tears falling into the bitumen.

'Was that right to leave her? Was it even right to make her come?'

Reigen's mind was elsewhere, staring at the ghost of a gang leader shaking in fear while talking about whatever was inside. That brought him back around, maybe they should just go.

Before he could make his mind up, mob went into the shadows. He was about to hurry to aid him, but the boy got out scratchless.

"Let's hurry to (L/n), she must be worried."
"Ah.. Okay."

The closer they got to the exit, the better they could see the silhouette. (Y/n) was debating whether to go inside with them, or stay in the dark alone. Last time she went with people into darkness... Something unpleasant happened.

Reigen rushed to her side immediately, put an arm around her, if she was her normal self, she would've pushed him back, which to a great extend, made him even more worried.

'Maybe I shouldn't have pushed her.'

"Let's go home, alright?"

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