Chapter 1

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May 7th, 2019

Throwing my bag on the floor, I groaned as I flopped down on the bed. I let out a long sigh before sitting up.

I hate school. I always got teased for being a 'nerd' and a 'geek'. You see, I'm a really big fan of marvel. Like really big. It's basically the only thing I love. And to add to that, I have a really high IQ. I stood up and walked over to the mirror. My brown hair was pulled back into a loose braid and my dark blue eyes stared back at me.

My porcelain skin was free of any blemishes, my cheeks still slightly pink from running home. The front door slammed open and I internally groaned as several pairs of footsteps were heard. That's the worst part about living in a foster home. You barely get any time alone. I mean there are 7 of us.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention? I'm a foster kid. My parents died a year ago. It was a drunk driver. The bedroom door opened and Casey sheepishly shuffled inside. Casey was the youngest in the home. He was 4. His parents were addicts and he was taken by social services just over 3 months ago.

"Maria said that dinner will be ready in an hour." He whispered. "Thanks, case," I tell him, smiling gently. Yeah, alright, I have a soft spot for little kids. So what? "Can we watch a movie later?" He asks. I nod, getting up and ruffling his hair. He giggles before walking off. I look down at my watch, It shows the date and time. 4:01 pm.

Sighing, I grab my phone and airpods, that I got last year, and stuffed them in my pocket before leaving the room. I trudge down the stairs and walk over to the front door. "I'm going for a walk!" I yell, stepping outside.

Shoving my earphones in, I turn the volume up to full. I love music. I slow down as I reach my destination. The forest. I come here a lot. I like to call it my thinking space.

After a while of walking, I begin to feel dizzy. My vision blurs and I stumble. I let out a gasp, a sharp pain slicing through me. I collapse to the floor, slipping unconscious. The sound of my music fading into nothing.

January 7th, 2002

I groan, grabbing my head as I sit up. My face scrunches up for a few seconds before my eyes open. It is only then, that I notice the cold white powder that decorates my surroundings. What the fuck?!

Pushing myself up off of the ground, I wrap my arms around myself. My outfit was the same as before, a white hoodie, black skin-tight jeans and a pair of white converse.

How long was I out for? Looking down at my watch, I gasp. Not at the time, but at the date. January 7th 2002. How! Maybe I knocked it when I passed out? Grabbing my phone out of my from my pocket, I check again.

My eyebrows furrow, it says the same thing? My head snaps up when I hear two voices. I quickly shove my phone and airpods I'm my bra in case I needed to run. Making sure they were secure, I stumbled over to a nearby bush and hid.

As the voices got closer, I strained my head to hear them. They were talking German. Luckily I had learnt German last year to give me something to do, along with Spanish, French and Latin. I told you I was smart. "Warum machen wir das wieder?" (Why are we doing this again?") The first voice asks.

"Denn der Chef sagte, dass es heute früher einen Energieschub von diesem Ort gab." (Because, the Boss said that earlier today there was a surge of energy from this location.)
Surge of energy? And Boss?

When they came into sight, i scanned their outfits. They looked like they were dressed in swat uniform. My gaze stopped on a small symbol that was sown to their uniform. I squinted my eyes, trying to get a better look.

When I finally saw the symbol, I gasped and reeled backwards in horror.

Their gaze snapped to the bush where I was hiding. "Hast du das gehört?" (Did you hear that?) The taller man questioned. The smaller one let out a grunt of confirmation. They raised their guns in my direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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