
Start from the beginning

Everyone sang along, apart from the Slytherins—and that included Ellis.

Neither giving her attention to the noels nor admiring the warm and dry flakes of bewitched snow descending from the enchanted ceiling, she toyed with her fork, twirling it in her fingers, as her eyes fixed on a tureen of buttered peas, looking deep in thought.

When the last hymn ended, however, she peered at Dumbledore, who was poised to deliver his Christmas speech. The look she had was familiar to Cedric: she was considering the wizard like a puzzle she couldn't solve.

"I would like to have a word, if you please," said Dumbledore. The applause subsided and he smiled widely, his eyes slits behind those half-moon spectacles. "And that would be: DESSERT!"

Flaming Christmas pudding promptly popped up onto the tables. Everyone burst into renewed cheers and this time, Ellis clapped too, though with a neutral expression.

The tale of the dragon sanctuary resumed...

"...ride them—"

Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey gasped frightfully.

"Ride them?!" Ellis blurted out, her eyes glinting not with horror but with excitement. "You can ride them?!"

"Aye," replied Kettleburn, roaring with laughter at Ellis's enthusiasm. "Some of them, anyway. As I'm told, not all breeds are able to handle what it takes to have a rider. After all, they're not your regular steed. Magnificent creatures they are, dragons—"

"Hear, hear!" boomed Hagrid, swigging his eggnog.

"—and they need to be respected, first of all, before they can be persuaded to do anything. The sanctuary has a team of dragonologists dedicated to such training; Charlie's their latest addition!"

"How many are there on the team?" asked Ellis, as Kettleburn drew breath and knocked back some mulled wine.

"I'd say about the twice the usual studying other aspects, such as mating habits, hybrids, etc; around fifteen."

"That many? All for a ride?"

Ellis sounded strangely affronted. Kettleburn surveyed her, and the longer he did, the more approving he looked.

"I know what you're thinking, lassie," said Kettleburn. "They don't just do it for the pleasure of riding, of course, though it's a pretty sweet bonus." He chuckled, then continued more seriously, "No—it's not their goal to milk the amusement out of the masses, as Muggles so often do, where people flock from all over the world to get a taste of what it's like being on dragon-back.

"Their aim is to groom a generation of dragons that is more receptive and tolerant to wizard intervention, and can thereby be more effectively protected. They have burned many a wizard to ashes—even those who are friendly, mind. The poor things can't differentiate the hunters from the keepers. The slightest provocation could be your last move, and we only have ourselves to blame. Too long our kind has hunted them, and unscrupulously, for their parts that, as you know, possess unique magical properties. Should they become extinct, where will we find dragon's blood for healing? Where will we harvest dragon-hide for coverings? Where will we obtain heartstrings for wands?

"With this program, there is hope still that we can better our relationship with them and carry on preserving these beauties for future generations to enjoy, don't you agree?"

Hagrid bobbed his head fervently, dabbing his eyes with a handkerchief the size of a small rug. Cedric nodded along with the others, more gravely, and spotted Ellis looking somewhat conflicted. She cast furtive glimpses at Kettleburn as he refilled wine for Hagrid and himself, the two clashing their mugs and chugging down the alcohol.

Something clicked in Cedric's mind: he thought he could guess what she was thinking.

"What kind of qualifications do dragonologists require?" said Cedric curiously.

Professors Sprout, Kettleburn, and Ellis all stared at him for a moment: bemused, pleasantly surprised, and stunned, respectively. Kettleburn reacted first, and, as Cedric expected, Ellis listened raptly.

"Well," he said, with a great air of pride, "a N.E.W.T. in Care of Magical Creatures is always preferred, so they know you have a good sense around animals. Otherwise, they do provide training on site; everyone starts out a trainee regardless. Charms and Transfiguration would be advantageous as well, though O.W.L.s are sufficient. The spells required aren't covered in your everyday class..."

"I was not aware that you were leaning toward this as a career choice, Mr. Diggory," said Professor Sprout afterward, and Cedric shrugged.

"Just keeping my options open, Professor," he hedged.

"Aye, I've nearly forgotten," piped up Kettleburn again, pulling out several envelopes from his sporran and distributing them. "This is why I've called you all here tonight."

AN: oooof it's the world cup finals tonight and I really hope france wins again 💙💙💙

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