A Poem

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A story started in that solemn place.

P repared that one day to have some check-up, me, Mom, and Tjay.

L ittle did I know, Tjay, my bff, is with his brother, Tcake.

A guy whose real name’s Terrence Kelvin Quintero, his temperament you can’t take.

C an someone like your bff’’s brother tell you one day, ‘I think I know you’.

E ven if I see him everywhere coz of Tjay, he practically didn’t see me. Yeah, he’s aloof too.

I n a funny way, we had a bet that turned to be OUR date. Arwyn with his date, Carlo for Tjay and argh, me and Terrence!

N ot expected it will create something. The memory of my new favourite mocha-caramel shake, Arwyn’s dare to Terrence and even when he retrieved my snatched phone (though he’s the slowest man in existence!)

T errence was asked by his Mom to help out in Day Care with me. You see how he gets annoyed with Oli and the other kids and how slowly he gets close to them.

I n a span of time I learned the other side of Terrence. How we can have normal conversations, how he helped me in my Soc Sci project and how I woke up one day and realized I like him.

M ore days passed, from Ran, my overprotective cousin, met Terrence, to his set-up date that I haven’t attended, to Basketball finals that I asked him for another date and when I learned why he was rushed to the hospital that night. Our Prom night turned out to be heartbreaking.

E nded in that same place while he was leaning on me. He poured his heart out and cried which something he hasn’t done before. As his beating stopped, mine continues. I know, I’ll never cease loving.

T errence Kelvin Jimenez, my baby brother came to life the same day the guy I love passed.

A ll his memories still in me with that sketch of a friend he confessed who really retrieved my phone when ‘twas snatched.

K ept my promise to look for Nathan, Tjay and I named the sketch, to thank him. He’s Terrence best friend so finding him is a must.

E arly June, when we transferred to Trinity High provided by the scholarship Terrence applied for Tjay and I, we met Nathan.

T his guy, Joseph Jiroh Anderson his real name, made me feel he’s still around. I finally thanked him and asked if he knew Terrence but he just frowned.

W ondered why he didn’t know Terrence, later on I stopped stalking. We became cool until he saw the sketch Terrence made.

O verflowing emotions when that last sketch got tear. My last memory of him was gone, my feelings were played.

L oving him is like a dream, I chase it and sometimes slow down, just enough to chase it again.

E ach night I dream of him feels like I want to stay there. Just be with him and my heart will mend.

T’ hen I’ll be back in reality, different face I see.

S omeone Terrence claims to be his best friend. But he is not, Jiroh told me.

S mall pieces were put up together, Jiroh worked all night and placed on my desk. That sketch wasn’t on its very good condition but I see it so perfect.

T hen he met Oli and others at Day Care as he serves at Church as well. Oli never wanted to replace his Kuya Tcake.

A nd eventually Oli moved on, liking Jiroh too. This lil boy makes me realize how I didn’t have to choose. Jiroh has developed feelings for me but mine can’t be faked.

R  an and I met again, unknown to Tjay, my cousin’s almost girlfriend. Then we’re reunited with Liz, a cute lil girl we met before and admires my cousin

T his lil girl wanted me for Jiroh compared to Rae, she told me I make Jiroh smile and Rae doesn’t.

A ll the CD’s Terrence left for me were heartbreaking to see. But it gets me curious when he was first mute then suddenly uttered his first words.

G athered at house, Liz went at my room and was laughing to see the rest of Terrence’s video I left one night. “Why do you have Jiroh’s video? He used to have longer hair when he was young” she said, and then it occurred.

A t that Ball Jiroh invited me, I can’t help but tell him how he met Terrence. He seemed hurt to hear me speaking about him all the time. I knew then this was the time, I’m losing him.

I ‘m another what if Shay, Jiroh said. Many things have happened, from the time he took to stay away for a while, to our very first date, to Christmas at Lola’s house and his unexpected accident which was grim

N ight of our Prom, Jiroh spent it at the hospital and I learned how he tried to save Terrence before. I realized as Ran said, I can’t make a take two of my mistake. That chance came, that was my last shot, I admitted to him, “ I don’t know what to do to this love I have for you if you don’t love me anymore. I hope you have waited for me.” I saw him crying and heard the words I wanted to hear. This time it was never a dream.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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