He tapped me on the shoulder and motioned me over to a clearing in the trees. I nodded and followed him down until our feet both touched the ground.

I collapsed under the unfamiliar weight in my feet again, making me feel a little dizzy from the fall. After a short moment, I glanced up.

"Where are we?" I asked in awe of the unfamiliar terrain that surrounded me.

"This is my favorite hide-out," he said, and helped me stand back up. I leaned on him for additional support. "It feels like heaven, or even paradise to me. Not even the Lost Boys know where this is."

My eyes drifted from the towering graceful willow trees, to the small stream that connected two nearby ponds. The tree branches seemed to let very few specks of sunlight leak through, making the scenery more breathtaking.

"Wow..." My voice dropped to a silence as I felt the serenity settle around us.

The calm was interrupted by the strong wind. It swept along and glided against a few reeds beside the coastline.

Softly, it played a tune.

"Do you hear that?" I whisper, nudging Peter in the shoulder.

His ears perked up for a moment, nodding his head, he said, "yeah, the music is beautiful."

The gentle melody seemed to have a rhythm. It repeated itself over and over as the wind blew.

1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, the beats played in my head.

"It's like a waltz," I murmured to myself.

"It's like a what?" He asked, glancing over to me with a look of confusion. Apparently he had heard me.

I paused for a moment, "a waltz. Do you know what it is?"

He shook his head "no" and cocked his head to the side. "Explain," he replied.

"It's... like a dance," I hesitated. "Where you move your feet, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, and so on."

My urge to laugh was even greater once I saw his attempt at the waltz. His feet tripped over one another, but somehow he always managed to keep his balance.

"I like flying better," he grumbled, but laughed along with me.

"Here, let me help with that," I offered, "but first, we have to get into position."

His face filled with wonder as I slipped my hand onto his shoulder, and moved so that his hand rested on my waist. My right and his left hand were clasped together in midair.

I smiled, "move your left foot forward, and I'll move my right back... like this."

Within an instant, I heard a jab come from below. Pain shot through my foot as I gasped in agony.

"Peter, your left, my right!" I leaned down, running my foot.

"Oops, my bad," he smirked and grinned.

I gave him a sigh of disapproval with a joking head shake. "Let's try that again," I laughed.

After that, we had no more further injuries. He laughed as he twirled me around ballroom-style around the forest floor. My head settled from its dizziness as I glanced up at Peter.

His green eyes were bright and youthful, and his lips were curved up in a grin. Through all the dancing, his hair somehow ended up a little tousled. Yet, it still looked perfect.

How can such a beautiful human-being be as evil as my ancestors say?

I couldn't think of an answer as I was twirled around once more, and to be honest, I didn't care.

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