Chapter 8- please listen to me

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**Hanna's Pov**

I Can't believe Emily would do that to me. I drive to Arias and ring the door bell. A few secinds past she opens the door and I collapse in her arms. "Han what happened?" Aria asked. She pulled me inside and got a blanket and wrapped me in it.

"S-she cheated on me with that bitch!" I cried out. Aria didn't believe me. She thinks I'm crazy.

"Han I'm she would never do that to you," Aria said.

"No you don't understand I walked in on her and Alison," I screamed and curled up into a ball.

"Oh my god I swear I will kill her," Aria said, "let's watch a movie, get that off your mind."

We pick the movie "The stranger" it was okay I guess. But I couldn't get the picture of emily underneath Alison's naked body. I feel tears fall down my face. I hope shes happy she ripped my heart out and threw it. Emily is the person you could trust you life wih and the fact she just slept with me then slept with Alison makes me wanna scream. After the movie Aria suggested that I stay over for awhile. Tomorrow's Monday....fuck! I can't face either one of them.

"It will be okay Han," aria said and kissed the back of my head,"trust me!" With that both of us went to sleep.


I wake up to a unfamiliar house. "Where am I?" I mumbled I looked around, "oh wait I'm at Arias!" I chuckled to myself im so stupid sometimes. I walk down the stairs and see Aria with a cup of juice and a cup of water. She knows I don't drink coffee that much.

"Oh hey I was just about to wake you," she said and handed me a cup, "how are you feeling?"

"I feel like someone ripped my heart out," I mumbled and took a sip, "I'm gonna drive back to my house and get some clothes."

"Okay text me when you get to school!" She yelled as I headed back.

I got into my car and drove home. When I got inside I went upstairs and looked for an outfit. I decided to wear my gray leggings, burgundy wollen knee socks, and my cream long sleeves shirt. Afer that I quickly tie my hair up into a bun and applied some make up. Once I look acceptable I went down stairs and out in my combat boots and headed out.

I drive into the parking lot and park my car. I search for Ali or Emily but I don't see either one of them. "You can do this Hanna," I told myself and took a deep breathe.

I walk inside and see Spencer and Aria at my locker. "Hey," i said faintly.

"I hear what Emily did," Spencer said, "I'm gonna talk to her!" She looked angry. I nodded and grabbed my books. First class, English great both Emily and Alison are in that class.

I walk into Mr Fitz classroom and sat down. I watched as people enter. Then Alison came in, she walked up the my desk. "Hanna let me-" she began to say.

"No you listen you ruined my relationship you are dead to me!" I Said a little too loud and everyone looked at me. I wiped a tear away. "I don't wanna here it!" I said calmly. Alison nodded and sat down in her desk. The bell rung and I looked and saw that Emily wasn't here. I hope she feels horrible, I fell for her and she let me fall on to my face.


Me, Spencer and Aria were sitting outside like usual eating lunch. I still haven't seen Emily. Maybe she's sick or she feels bad. "Have you seen Emily?" Aria asked.

"Uh no," I replied, "Alison tried to talk to me but I didn't want to hear it." I stabbed a piece of lettuce and stoved it in my mouth.

"She's probably feels bad!" Spencer said with sarcasm. I nodded. We didn't talk much during lunch. Jut as I was putting my tray away I saw Emily. Or at least I think it was her. She looked like a mess. She looked as though she hasn't slept, her hair is down like usual. But she had swetapants and a sweat shirt on. Something she'd never wear, even when she was sick. She mad quick eye contact and headed towards me.

I ran to the bathroom, moments later she came in aswell. "P-please let me e-explain!" She cried. I shook my head in disbelief.

Just as I was gonna say something Spencer and Aria rushed in. Spencer went straight to Emily there faces inches away. "You have some friken nerve Fields," Spencer said, "why would you do that to Hanna?"

"I had a reason to do that," she replied. I Scoffed.

"Yeah your reason let me guess was that Alison forced herself on you!" Spencer yelled back.

"Don't pin this on her I did this cuz something bad would happen! She yelled back. Spencer obviously had enough and slapped her clean across the face. I screamed in pain. I couldn't handle it , I took Spencer by the and took her out.

**Emily's Pov**

I sit on the bathroom floor crying. Why can't they listen to my reason, I would have never do that if I wasn't threatened. Everything I bad is for them. I raise my had to touch my tender skin from the slap. It's burning hot. "Here let me help you," a voice said.

I look up and see Aria. "If you're gonna slap me please slap the other side," I mumbled wiping my tears away.

"I'm not gonna slap you i want an explanation," she said softly but sternly. I stood up and sat on the counter. She rinsed some paper towel and put it on my cheek.

"I got a text the morning after me and Hanna slept together," I began to say, "it said 'dirty dirty Emily mummy would like to see this. Have sex with Alison and she will never find out' A had pictures of us. They were pictures of us together if you get what I mean."

"So you slept with her to stop A from sending the picture," Aria said. I Nodded.

"I never wanted to but I'm sure you would do the same if they were picture of you and Ezra," I cried, "I feel even worse because I had to do it after that amazing night!" Aria just looked at me and pulled me in for a hug.

"She'll come around she's just upset," Aria said and wiped my tears away, "come one lets skip the rest of school!"

"Sure I need to talk to Ali though make sure she doesn't get blaimed," I said. Aria nodded and we headed out to Ms Montgomery's class.

"K just act sick," aria said and we walked into the classroom. "Hi mum Emily isnt feeling well can I take her home?"

"I guess," her mum replied.

"Thank you." I mumbled. As I walked out I bumped into Ali. "Hey I want to apologize and thank you for being there for me"

"Anytime!" She smiled and gave me a hug.

After our conversation with Ali we headed to my house and began to think of a plan to get Hanna back.

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