Pink Flyer

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I grabbed a small bowl then filled it with ton-jiru soup. And ... I'm done. I'm done making Mrs Eru's favorite soup.

Mrs Eru said that I can practise my cooking by making her favorite ton-jiru soup, a miso soup with pork and green onions. She said I can leave the soup in her room so she can eat it when she got upstairs after her work downstairs in the restaurant. 

So I opened the door to her room and putted the ton-jiru soup on the small table beside her bed. When I putted the ton-jiru soup on the small table, I felt something strange on it ... there's something pink inside the drawers of the table.

Without Mrs Eru knowing it, I opened one drawer of the table and saw a pink flyer. 

Watch the Prism Show at 6 p.m. in the Harajuku Musical Court! There will be different shows each day from 28/12 - 1/1! There will be the following Prism Stars listed below:




  Happy Rain

 SereNon w/ Kaname

Be sure to watch it at the 28th of December! 

"Omigod! The Prism Show at Harajuku! I totally should watch it!" I said, almost screaming out loud. I was sooo excited. There's MARs, Prizzmy, Puretty, Happy Rain, and SereNon! How I couldn't be excited? And it's after the cooking contest! I'm sure Mrs Eru'll totally let me go there!

"Aiko? Aiko! Would you help me clean up these tables?" Mrs Eru called all of a sudden.

I quickly putted the pink flyer back to the drawer and closed it. "Yes! I-I'm coming, Mrs Eru!" 

I ran down the stairs and saw Mrs Eru alone, cleaning up one of the tables. "Here!" she gave me  a piece of cloth to clean up the tables.

I fake smiled. Mhm ... all the time when I cleaned up the tables, the only thing that I thought of was the pink flyer ... I'd totally come ... but why didn't Mrs Eru tell me that there's a Prism Show at the 18th of December? I thought she never kept a secret from me ... 

"We are done! Now, now, go go upstairs and I'll make you tea ..." said Mrs Eru a few minutes after.

"O-Oki!" I fake smiled, again. Then I gave the cloth back to Mrs Eru and walked upstairs, still thinking about the pink Prism Show flyer.

I couldn't ask Mrs Eru ... she'd know that I peeked in her drawer and saw that pink flyer ... what she's actually planning for me to do?  

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