Skylar smirked. " Let me get changed,"

About ten minutes later Fire, Jonn, and Skylar were walking toward the training area. The two girls walked inside while Jonn went to the watch room. There were small watch rooms in every training room to analyze or even create simulations to train. Since the fire wasn't good for Martians he had to go there.

Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Speedy were training when Fire and Firegirl stepped inside. As soon as she saw them Skylar turned toward the watch room to see Batman and Green Arrow looking at them.  The boys stopped after a minute.

" Hey guys, do you mind taking a break?" Skylar asked. " Or we could join in too," Kid Flash snickered causing Robin to elbow him. " Sure thing SJ," he replied. " Thanks, you guys might want to step back though," Fire said.

The guys stepped to the watch room. " Uh, what's going on?" Green Arrow asked through the microphone. " Training," Skylar replied. She was looking at Batman, he was wearing his usual unreadable face whenever he put on the costume.

They shared a quick glance and seeing no rejection from his behavior Skylar smiled. " Would you ladies like a simulation?" Arrow asked again. Skylar shook her head. " Alright,"

Fire and Firegirl walked away from each other to a reasonable distance. Fire was the first one to strike as she sent a green fireball to Skylar's way. " Your fire is green? That's so cool!" Skylar said and saw Fire smirking.

She also had some moves she would like to try as well. She first wanted to play defensive and see Fire's abilities. Fire was right, there weren't many people around whom she could practice along with their abilities without hurting anyone. Until now.

Recently she had this idea to combine her fire and the martial arts training she was getting from Bruce and these would be the perfect chance to work on them, without causing too much trouble.

Fire kept sending fireballs and blasts toward Skylar's way but since she was playing defensive she was dodging the attacks by jumping and in pares. The last fireball went by too close and Skylar stood on her feet, her knees curled and her hands supporting the position. She also didn't want to tire herself too hard because of the baby.

She stretched out her left leg and spun around until she jumped back to her feet using the momentum. As she did the spinning, she sent fire toward Fire from her leg and feet. No lie, this was something she saw on a TV show and actually what inspired her to combine her abilities and martial art.

Right after standing on her feet again, Fire sent a big blast toward her. She fell back to her arms as she avoided it. As soon as the green flames went past her she sent a blast of her to Fire from her feet as she did a backflip.

" You're good," Fire commented and Skylar smiled. Fire opened up her hands and two small green flames appeared. She started sending them to Skylar and she either dodged them or neutralized them by sending her own flames to go back to Fire.

After her attacks, Skylar heard some kind of exclamation from Fire. When she looked at her she was now completely covered in green flames, just like her when she used her powers to a maximum. Their abilities were really similar.

Fire sent a big continuous blast to her and Skylar had to fly away to avoid it. The blast followed her so Skylar knew she had to stop running away to end this. She was getting kind of tired and for some reason, she wanted to prove her place.

She had no thoughts about herself being replaced until Fire said so and even though she knew Bruce or their friends wouldn't try to replace her she still felt a bit jealous and becoming 'victorious' from this little training was her desire.

Skylar knew the flames wouldn't hurt her and she had an idea how to stop this all. She could see Fire getting a bit tired as well, she was using her power to the maximum. Skylar flew to where she previously stood and the blast soon followed her.

She put up her hand, similar to a cop putting his hand up to signal drivers to stop, and the blast started to evade away from her. Fire realized this and increased the power of it. After a while, Skylar put up her other hand since it wasn't enough.

She started to take deep breaths as this whole thing was really energy depraving but what she was doing was working. The green flames were now being divided to left and right and it was the opening Skylar wanted.

However, this was division meant Skylar had to focus all of her energy on her power so she was now almost on her knees. Fire was quick to catch up on it and a cry fell from her mouth as she powered up.

Skylar screamed as she got up, feeling her whole body turning into flames like it always did when she pushed to the limit and a massive orange fire appeared, swallowing all the green. Then she took a step back, for a quick second to breathe and gain her strength, and moved her left foot forward as her right hand, now in a fist, launched forward.

A spiraling fire came out of it and as it made its way toward Fire it grew noticeably and hit her. Fire fell down on her back.Skylar was standing on her feet, breathing heavily as she tried to stand up.

She had just used massive energy and given that she was pregnant she was now exhausted. She felt the flames around her body extinguish as she fell to her knees, still trying to catch her breath. It was a good thing Bruce made her suit inflammable.

" That was amazing!" Kid Flash said as he appeared next to Skylar in a second and knelt next to her. " Are you okay?" he then quickly asked, spotting Skylar taking in deep breaths. " Thanks," she managed to let out and saw the others coming inside from the watch room.

Batman and Robin rushed to her side as the others went toward Fire to help her up. Kid Flash grabbed Skylar's elbow and helped her get up. " You did the move I taught you!" Robin exclaimed once they got close enough.

Skylar smirked. " Told you I'm a quick learner," she replied. Batman was next to her soon and he grabbed the elbow Kid Flash was holding and put his other hand on Skylar's waist to support her. He helped her walk toward the watch room and made her sit.

" Are you better now?" he asked meanwhile the others came back. " Yeah, yeah, I'm alright," she mumbled. " You are amazing, you must teach me some of the things you did!" Fire exclaimed. Skylar tried smiling to her. " Sure, I'd love to,"

Green Arrow crossed his arms o his chest as he smirked. " Remind me to never piss you off," he said. " Not bad for a pregnant lady, huh?" she responded and Arrow winked at her. " Not bad at all,"

Skylar leaned back on her chair. " Good, cause I'm not doing anything like this for the next year or so again," she said. " Agreed," Batman said looking at her with an expression that Skylar could only decipher as a mad concern.

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