Do It Some Justice

Start from the beginning

I looked over at him, realizing what he was asking.

He recoiled, "No, not like that. I just want you both to live........"

I looked down, knowing that Sunny's fantasy world. Sometimes it was hard to believe that Sunny was a whole year older than me.

"That will never happen."

"You both mean so much to me." he stuttered "I mean, he's my twin, and your my best friend......."

He started to cry, and I pulled him into a hug.

"Look, I promise I'll keep him safe. I'll find a way."

"Times up." a peacekeeper poked his head through the door

Sunny stood up and walked away.

"Goodby." he said

"Goodby." I said

The door clicked shut and I regretted the promise I had made to him, for I knew it was impossible to keep.

I sat there in depression for a minute or so before the door opened a final time.....

In stepped my partner in crime, old May Hubord.

"Finch, you've been crying." she cackled "We both know your stronger than that."

"I wasn't crying."

"If there's one thing I taught you, you never lie to anyone- except for the authority's, you should always lie to them." she scolded

"Fine, I had a breakdown when my sisters came in."

"You love them."

"Yes, I just wish....." a little of my doubt returned to me "I just wish I wasn't going to die, I lied to them. Who am I kidding? I don't stand a chance." I felt my eyes water and had all I could do to keep from crying.

"You have a fair chance as anyone, one out of 24."

"Yeah like that's a chance at all!!!" I cut her off

"Finch, you didn't let me finish, as I was saying you have one chance out of 24, if you think inside the box. I grantee you all of those kids will, they always do, so if you figured out a way to not play by the rules, you would have the advantage." she smiled

"What do you mean?!"

She opened the door and exited the room. I jumped to my feet, WHAT HAD SHE MEANT?!!!!

Sometimes that old lady really put me through the roof.

I knew she wanted me to figure out what she meant on my own, I still had a week to the games, I could figure it out.

I would have to figure it out.....

"Miss Sparks, it's time to leave." I look up, a peacekeeper was standing in the doorway beckoning me to come.

I followed reluctantly as I was led to the front steps of the justice building.

The peacekeeper turned to me, "Is that your district token? If not I'm afraid I'll have to take it from you."

I looked at him confused for a second, then remembered the katniss in my hair, I thought about it for a second then got an idea.

"Yes it is. Could you do me a favor?"

"Depends....." the peacekeeper said uncertainly

I took the katniss out of my hair, and broke the stem in two, I handed the bottom half to him.

"Could you give this to my family, so whatever happens we each have half?"

He smiled warmly, "I promise I will get this to them."

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