Sakusa had a content face, but only for a while. He wanted to spike a ball in every single face that spoke about her. He had a flat smile trying to crawl on his face.

"Your shorts, baby... So unfair" he scoffed under his mask. "Stop breaking me"

His hands clenched when he heard someone said

"If that's the case I dare you to ask her out"

Sarukawa and Sakusa shot their heads to look at the grey haired boy tell his twin "And if I do, I get your box of Twix" the blonde replied.

"So be it" Osamu flatly said.

Sakusa exhaled a tense, deep breath and resumed his attention on Sayuri when the whistle blew.

Kuroo couldn't stand the sight of her wrecking Nohebi Gakuen, he was weak in his knees.

"You okay?" Kenma asked him.

"No" he couldn't control his speech either.

"Still call that lucky?" Bokuto tilted his head with a smile on his face.

"No" he almost whispered "How's she so amazing?"

"She's perfect, isn't she?" Akaashi asked.

"She certainly raises the bar high" he replied.

"I know that too well." The setter mumbled.

"Y-You dated her?" Kuroo raised his brows.

"He got REJECTED! Bwahahaha! CANCELLED!" Bokuto laughed aloud making earning a smack on his head "Urusai!"

"W-Woah" Kuroo cleared his throat "She rejects"

"I can't date another person because she's so flawless. She's really nice, she's respectful, patient, darn sweet, she sings amazingly well and her game... she's just too good to be true. Like one of those anime characters" Akaashi said.

"And she's smart" Bokuto said "Like really smart. She solves math like... idk she tops class and stuff"

"She so timid most of the time but when you tip her off she's Satan reborn. You see how beautiful she is? Damn, I hate it." Akaashi "I regret not asking her out sooner"

Kuroo just froze in his feet. He knew he was in big trouble for even looking at her. He was stuck, stuck in a giant spider web with no escape. Liking her was like the spider, it was certain death but he couldn't not get lured by her. He failed to believe how someone like that could exist for so long without him even knowing about it.

"What?" His mind was whirring.

"She had the biggest crush on Keiji and he didn't ask her out until high school." Bokuto said.

"Who even allowed you live after being that dumb??" Kuroo asked him in disbelief.

Akaashi's mouth was agape as Bokuto endlessly laughed at him.


Sayuri's serves were a one man show. She disliked their jersey because it reminded her of Daisho. Her leg hurt because of the wound that pierced her skin three months ago.


Her serve was received since she was a little worn out. Bit Itachiyama received their spike and Sayuri ran towards the net as their setter tossed the ball and she spiked a straight which was mistaken for an out.

"Just break my serve already!" she inwardly groaned taking the ball back outside the court.

"Sayuri chaaannn!!!!!" Tendou wasn't sitting down. It was like he was on fire. "SHATTER THEM ALL!!"

"Oh, goodness" Nobugi raised his brows hearing them all mindlessly cheer for the ace.

"Kano chan!" She said and the libero passed her the ball which she spiked a direct with.

"No toss???"

"Oh!! did you see what she did there??"

"Ah, that shot was crazy!"

The second set was getting on Nohebi's nerves. They couldn't block Sayuri's spikes at all, thanks to Toshiro's boxing lessons, her arms weren't as 'frail'. Not that they were before but her arms strength had increased by leaps.

"Oh, when did she get this pique??" Nohebi's captain hissed "Such a persistent prick"

"Did the #2 spot get to her head?"

"Did you just bitch about our captain?" Itachiyama's setter asked and they fell silent.

"Captain Senpai! They're calling you a prick!!" The loud setter said, enough for the team and the referee to hear.

"W-What?" Sayuri dusted it off with a laugh. "Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment."

"Oh, she's so stuck up!"

"Senpai! #4 says you're pretentious!" Kano said aloud shutting them up again.

"W-Wh... why are you telling me all that??" She laughed waiting for her teammate to serve. They all laughed changing the atmosphere of the game.

"Itachiyama is playing with their minds and I'm living for it" Atsumu was so happy.

Even strangers cheered aloud when Itachiyama won.

"You were incredible" Sakusa smiled. Kuroo, Toshiro, Akaashi, Tendou, Ushijima and Bokuto congratulated her, which she gracefully accepted.

"Hey..." he heard the familiar voice greet her.

Sakusa's eyes shot bigger knives at the blonde twin with every step he took towards her.

"Oh, Miya san..." she smiled.

"That was... amazing" he smiled, nervously fidgeting his fingers. "You were amazing"

"Thank you" she said.

"So... I was wondering..."

Kiyoomi was ready to punch his face, his eyes still deciding where to land it.

"If you'd go out with me" his breathing was so haggard she narrowed her eyes and took a small incoherent peek behind him.

Sakusa stepped forward, fully ready to break his nose but his soul left his body when she said...


A Premeditated Deal - Sakusa Kiyoomi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now