Wolf Daughter AU

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I have an au

an au where wolf forgets some of her recent memories and gets kidnapped by the newton wolves (im thinking she's hit by a different form of scarlemagne's pheromones.)

and since she doesn't have a tragic backstory and a crippling hatred for wolves she's very innocent and childlike

and billions and billions dad instincts come in

voila wolf has 2 dads/uncles and as she starts gaining back her memories they grow more and more protective of her

ofc they call her jolene since she doesn't remember her own name

it's cute in some ways and pretty sad in others

she gets nightmares one night about her family hunting her and billions had to come in and ground her from her panic attack

and when she tells him what happened to her as a kid his heart drops like "ok ik we're wolves but that's f*cked up"

she falls asleep and doesn't remember what she told him the next morning

its dumb I drew art for it instead of doing my research paper

these 2 eggheads r def gonna tell wolf random facts about space to see which one of them would impress her the most

the look in her eyes when she learns a new space fact make them undone

billions: there is 1 atom in every cubic meter of space between galaxies

wolf: :0

billions: *about to sob* fascinating is it not

also she gets tired of calling them "billions and billions", so she gives them nicknames

moonshine to good and starlight to bad

and moonshine is about to sob again bc that was what their parents used to call him and like

yup she's been adopted.

so billions and billions claim to be free from their instincts, but they obviously still rely on them to hunt like we saw in the wolf chase scene. don't know too much about how wolf mutes parent their pups in this world. i can expect it to be mostly the same, but billions and billions are literally brothers, and it might be safe to assume that neither of them have she-wolf alphas and pups, therefore they have no parenting experience whatsoever.

i can see bad billions being the cook for the pack. although they usually go on hunts and eat their kills, i feel like they'd indulge in cooked meals whenever they have guests over.

before realizing that wolf is actually older than she seemed, they'd read old books about studies on wolf behavior and parenting because they know jack shit about their ancestry. and you know how wolf moms would eat and regurgitate food for the really young pups to make it easier for them? good billions actually tries doing that and ends up choking to the point where bad had to help him

then they realize that wolf isn't a wolf cub and is human, so they read the human parenting books instead and become SO STRESSED like WHY is a human child's dietary needs so SPECIFIC and COMPLICATED? what the FUCK is a FORMULA???
oh the nicknames, i'm not really feeling moonshine since that's literally an alcohol, but starlight is a definite keeper. i'll call him twilight for now, i wanted it to be moon-related but there r no related words that sound good as a nickname. i've seen moonbeam but im not calling him moonbeam lmao

So I'm working on a 5+1 fic and idk if im ever gonna finish it so

here's the outline I have so far because I dunno

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