Chapter Five: Yasha

Start from the beginning

     “Hello boys,” said the female General. “Ichiro I have a complaint. I wished you had killed that girl when you had the chance.”

   “What girl might I ask you are talking about?” General Ichiro asked Kei.

   “That half-breed girl,” answered Kei. “The one that’s related to this little pain in the—“

     Yasha grabbing onto her neck lifting her off the ground cut her off. Something just snapped when she was badmouthing his sister. Though she didn’t say much, but some General talking about his sister irritated him. “Don’t talk about my sister,” Yasha said. “She was supposed to stay in the Neutral Grounds. She forbade us to fight, including her.” The boy released her from his grip.

    Rubbing her neck Kei backed away. “Well she broke whatever promise you had,” said Kei. “Because she is in the Ruins playing some sickly girl along with an attack towards my base. And heading towards Ryoku. So tell me do you think she is keeping her promise?”

    “You’re lying! She hates fighting and would never leave out mother’s grave.”

     “Hmm, brown hair and red eyes. That’s what I call your sister. She’s also traveling with a demon on our wanted list.”

     “I think that’s enough,” said a mysterious man coming into the training room. As he walked out of the shadows and into the light of the room he wore a black kimono with gold flower and had a bandage covering his left eye. This man was none other than, Than Row. He was very handsome with black hair. He walked with a certain air about him, like you could sense his power coming from in. Even the most powerful woman in the king’s army respected him. “Kei stop running your mouth in front of my newest student.”

     For a brief moment Yasha didn’t know what to do or what to say. He had never met Than before nor seen him at all. The only thing he knew was that this demon was cold hearted and was basically death’s is real form. This demon made him feel uneasy as he approached the three of them.

    “Also I don’t think it’s wise to say such things about his sister around him,” he said smiling towards Kei. “Remember flowers always wilt.”

    Kei knew very well what that meant, but Yasha was completely clueless about what Than meant by that. All he knew now is that he was so close to the most powerful demon he knew of and was still alive. However he seemed a lot calmer and less hotheaded than other demons Yasha had met. Maybe that’s why people were scared of him. Just how calm he was in any situation he was placed in. Yasha remembered the words of the woman in his hometown. He remembered how terrified she was that he came so close to killing her.

    That’s when the demon smiled Yasha. It made him jump a little away from him. Coming closer he leaned down to Yasha. “You know my eye under my bandage is red,” stated Than pointing towards his eye. “An old student gave it to me as a farewell present. You won’t end up like my old student, will you?”

    Yasha shook his head since he was scared that his words might land him in some deep water. “Good,” said Than patting on his head. “Ichiro this half-breed isn’t bad. He defiantly seems good in health. Now Yasha I will tell you something very important. When I put you in battle I expect you to kill everyone you meet. If you run into a childhood friend I don’t care. Kill them.”

    “What about my sister?” Yasha asked breaking his silence. “Kei said she started fighting. What do I do if I meet her on the battle field?”

    Taking his hand off of Yasha he frowned. “Just leave that to me,” said Than. “I won’t hurt your sister.”

    “You will though,” said Yasha staring at him. “I don’t want anyone laying a hand on her.”

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