𝟬𝟭𝟲 the goonies in action

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"Hey, Juno..." Nova was the first to speak up between the pair, causing for Juno to turn her attention over towards the blonde. Nova then stared at the O'Connell girl nervously for a second, before she parted her lips to speak once again. "I know you don't want to talk about last night—"

     "You're right." Juno interjected, cutting the girl off whilst she nodded her head. "I don't."

     "I know." Nova replied, pausing for a brief moment, before she decided to speak again. "All I was going to say was...if you need a place to crash then you know you always have a home at my house." She offered, knowing there was no way she was going to let Juno run straight back to her mother again.

     Juno let out a quiet sigh, the girl shooting Nova a skeptical look. "Are you sure your parents want me there?" She inquired, not wanting to cause a fuss where it's not necessarily needed.

Juno's choice of words caused for Nova to frown, her eyes flooding with a look filled with surprise. "Please, my parents love you more than me at this point. You're practically a part of the family. So you are more than welcome to stay however long you like." Nova elaborated, a gentle and heartwarming smile forming across her lips.

     "You would do that for me?" Juno asked, her eyes softening as she continued to stare back at Nova.

     "Of course, I would." Nova confirmed, watching as a ghost of a smile tugged at Juno's lips the second those words rolled off of Nova's tongue. "You're my best friend and I can't stand the thought of you going back home yet — or ever for that matter, but at least see this as a temporary home until you're ready to go back." She explained, giving the girl a gentle nudge, which caused for Juno to let out a quiet and sincere chuckle.

"Thank you, Nova." Juno told her.

Nova then inhaled a sharp breath and reached over to grab Juno's hand, lacing their fingers together and giving her hand a tight and reassuring squeeze. "We're best friends, and best friends always look out for each other." She informed, causing for Juno to smile back at the blonde in response.

All of a sudden, the comforting moment between the two girls was interrupted when they both spotted the HMS Pogue in the distance, the familiar boat slowly coming towards them. As they began to get closer, both Nova and Juno stood back up onto their feet when they saw the guys, Sarah and Kiara all huddled together on the boat, and judging by the looks of it, the two girls were smiling and laughing with each other. Nova assumed the plan the group orchestrated must have worked, especially since Sarah and Kiara now appear to be as thick as thieves.

     Juno let go of Nova's hand and then used it to shield her eyes from the sun that was still rising, plastering another smile across her face. "Have fun?" She called out to the girls, a teasing look twinkling in her dark eyes.

     The boat was a lot closer now, allowing both Kiara and Sarah to stare at Nova and Juno with disapproving look in their eyes. "I can't believe both of you were in on it, and you..." Sarah spoke up, pausing for a moment whilst she pointed over at Nova. "After the advice I gave you, you locked me under the deck?" She questioned, shaking her head disapprovingly.

     Nova shrugged her shoulders in response to Sarah's words. "It had to be done." She replied.

     "But the plan worked." Pope raised his voice, earning a smile filled with sweet victory from both Nova and Juno in response.

Nova then watched as John B parked the boat and switched off the engine, giving Sarah and Kiara the opportunity to climb out of the boat. However, it was safe to say the reunion between the girls was anything but sweet, especially when Kiara noticed the harsh bruises painted across Juno's skin, the Carrera girl not even hesitating to approach her girlfriend, taking her face into her hands, and inspecting her bruised eye closely, before she pulled Juno into her embrace and held her closely. It was a form of comfort Juno instantly responded to, her arms wrapping securely around Kiara and holding onto her for dear life, almost like her entire life depended on it.

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