"Why? What happened? Is Emma okay?" He asks. His grip on his steering wheel tightens as worry builds up.

"Yeah, she's just worried that the woman her mom has over is gonna-." Before she could finish, she was interrupted.

"What?! What is someone doing at their house? Her mom knows what people that Emma doesn't know does to her!" His Spanish accent grows thicker as his tone borders anger. It was almost rare for the man to get angry, but it does happen when something like this happens.

"Tell me something I don't know. Look, I need you to go to her house and grab her coffee machine and mug. If the woman is still there, then head up to Emma's room and call me back."

John gives a short 'mhm' before hanging up. Mary knows that he didn't mean anything rude about it. He is just worried about his sister figure.

Mary puts her arm down and moves back over to Emma, sitting her phone down next to her, and watches Emma play.


John is pissed, honestly. It's an odd feeling for him and the girls around him, who is used to sweet, cuddly John.

But right now? After the call from his girlfriend that his little sister is dealing with yet another panic attack from her mom?


He quickly pulls up to Emma's yard and noticed a car that is not her mom's. John gets out of his Chevrolet truck and speeds to the door and knocks.

Moments later, a woman with long dirty blond hair and a lot of make-up opens the door. She was laughing at something until her brown eyes landed on John.

"Oh. John...uhm, what're you doing here?" She asks in confusion. John can see people inside that he knows that are not family.

"What are strangers doing here?" Venom seeps through his voice as his attention turns on to them for a moment.

"They're my friends and I'm allowed to have friends over." She responds, putting a hand on her hip.

"Even though you know how bad your daughter is with people? How she basically had to have Mary come get her because a stranger is in her safe space?!"

The man didn't wait for a response. He just walks past a shocked woman, who has never heard him yell, and heads towards the kitchen, where a bulky looking coffee machine built for travel sits on the counter. He unplugs it, retracts the cord and picks it up, taking it upstairs.

He didn't know which room was Emma's until he sees a sign that says:


He opens the door and found a mostly bare room. No bed except for a tent looking pallet with large blankets and two chargers. One is more bulky than the other. A small television sits across from the tent and a basket half full of clothes in it sits in the farthest corner.

"That's it!"

He quickly dials Mary's number. She picks up moments later.

"Mary, we can't let her come back here. It's a death trap for her. I'm gathering her stuff and I'm coming home." John says a few seconds after she answers, taking down the makeshift tent and attempting to fold all the blankets with one hand.

"Thank God. Caroline has been bringing home new for weeks and I didn't know how much longer Emma's heart could take. Do you need help?"

"No. Stay with her. There isn't much of anything here so I'm sure I can get everything in one go. We'll tell her when I get back, okay?"

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you too."


Indeed, it only took one trip for John to pack all of Emma's stuff into his truck and makes his way home. When he came close, he called Mary and asks her to come help.

As soon as they came up, Emma looked at them, confused. She is still in the later phases of her attack so she didn't move. But in a quiet voice, she asks,

"I-Is that....my st-stuff?"

A soft smile spreads on their faces as they sat the blankets and stuff down and sat in front of the still shaken teen. The presence of the two who has been around for most of her life made her slightly calmer.

"Emma, this has been the fifth time this month that you have been chased out of your house by your mom bringing home some friends of hers and not warning you. Your heart can't take this much stress and we're afraid that the next time you might just have a heart attack." John explains.

"We can't let you go back. So, John and I decided that you can stay with us!" Mary cheers, sweetly. A small twinkle was seen in Emma's brown eyes as she looks between the two.

"R-Really...? Will I be a bother?" Emma asks with a small smile. They both shake their heads and hold out their hands.

"So, Emma...will you move in with us?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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