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 ═════════════╗CHAPTER FIVE,

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nowhere man
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STEPPING INTO the studio to have to meet with Michael first before the rest of Pete's client she was meant to assist with, Angie looked up to him smiling down to her. He'd been on his way off the set, only having come down here to meet with her before going to a shoot for TV magazine regarding his show Family Ties coming back to air after its small break. He raised a finger to her to have Angie wait for something to come out of this. "Angie is a nickname," He mentioned to her, "Short for Angela or something, not usually a name?"

"Right, what's your point?" She asked him confused.

"Wright. That's my point," He attempted to joke with her as she sighed deeply, "Can't I not be even a little bit playful with you?"

"Sure, after I actually do what I'm meant to do here, you can talk an ear off all you like," Angie told him sarcastically.

Michael didn't take the hint and smiled over to her eagerly. "Really?"

"Christ just give me some information about yourself to write down in my notes so I can call you in case Pete doesn't want to bother you himself. Then you and I can both head home."

Continuing to watch her obviously tired face before him, he decided to stop being cheeky and walked beside her on the backlot. Trying to take into consideration what Pete had mentioned about her schedule and starting from nothing, he attempted to be as easy going as he could. "So what are you going to be posting about anyways?" He smiled over the ideas he had coming to mind. "My portraits and headshots?"

Angie still spoke to him, unphased over the joking persona he gave around her, as sternly as she could manage our. "Just promotional stuff for films, ads, nothing too personal."

He nodded, looking down to her see her notepad and pen. "Alright then here—" Michael stopped her, taking the pen and paper for him to jot down his personal information for her to have. She looked to him surprised for the sudden action as he grinned in return when handing to back to her shortly after. "And that was all, nothing else you want to know?"

Folding her arms, Angie looked to Michael expectantly. Seeing he was waiting for something at the very least made her heave a deep breath. "Play nice, that's all."

"I am playing nice? What do you mean?" Knowing what he meant, Michael groaned childishly. "Fine, I'll try my best."

She nodded and raised the paper up to him as she walked back to the employee parking lot on the opposite of where he was. "Talk to you soon."

THEN SHE APPEARED, michael j. foxМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя