The first meet

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Chapter 1

You are at one of the protests for blm. You see a bunch of signs saying black lives matter and acab. It was supposed to be a peaceful protest but it's starting to escalate. People are jumping on top of cop cars, breaking store windows etc. All of a sudden a bunch of cops is starting to throw tear gas at everyone and shooting them with rubber bullets.

You got hit by one of the rubber bullets and you fell to the ground in tears. It really hurt and it feels like it's swollen.

All of a sudden you hear a mans voice asking you if you are okay. You look up and it's this really tall man looking down at you. "I got hit by one of the rubber bullets I think, it hurts a lot". He helps you up and says he can bring you to his house. You know you shouldn't go to strangers cars and especially not their houses, but something about him is so mysterious and hot. "I don't know if I should just go to some strange guys car" you say. "Cmon it's better than staying here in pain" he says a little irritated. He's so intimidating but so hot at the same time. He helps you up and brings you to his car. "I never asked what ur name is". "I'm Nathaniel but you can just call me Nate what about you?". "My name is Y/N". "That's a beautiful name he says".

It took about 15 minutes to get to his apartment. It's huge!!. He leads you to his kitchen and sits you up on the kitchen island. He lifts up ur shirt to see if it's bruised. "Damn that bullet hit you hard" he said. "Yeah.. it doesn't hurt that much though I'm fine". "I need to go take a shower. I've been in this suit and mask all day. You can watch tv or something in my room" Nate said.

You walk to his room and look around.
His bedroom is huge. And his bed is massive. You sit down on his bed wondering where you're gonna sleep.

After 10 minutes Nate comes into the room without his mask on! He is so hot! His eyes are a dark green and his hair I curly and brown"Where will I sleep" you ask him. "In my bed" he answers really serious. You start to blush but try and hide it. You can see him smirk as he notices that ur blushing.

It's really late we should go to bed now. You crawl up in his bed. He takes of his shirt before going to the bed. His body is also hot. He has abs! You both just lay there for a while completely silent until you feel a hand on ur arm..

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