I got up and ran to the closest bathroom and kneeled down over the toilet just in time to throw up.

"Babe are you okay" peter said as he ran after me

"I just felt si-" I said as I threw up again

Peter held back my hair and and rubbed my back.

I stopped being sick and felt fine so I stood up and brushed my teeth.

"What was that about" peter asked

"I have no idea" I replied telling the truth

"Well maybe we should go up the doctors" peter said

"No it's okay I feel fine now"

"Okay but if you be sick again were going up the doctors I don't care what you say" he said

"Okay" I said and walked back to the living room to finish my pancakes


It was now 1:30 and I haven't thrown up any more times.


I walked towards the door and saw hali which was the new Wendy joe had hired for when it was my days off.

We had become very good friends as well which I thought was a good thing.

"Hey" I said

"Hi jade" she smiled brightly back

"Come in" I said moving out of the way

"Thanks " she said walking past me

"Hi hali" peter said giving hali a hug

"Hey" she replied

"So whats up" I asked as we all sat down on the sofa

"Oh nothing just thought I would stop by"

"Oh okay well peter were gonna go and have some girl time" I said grabbing halis hand and dragging her to the bedroom.

"Whats wrong" she asked confused

"I was sick this morning" I said

"So whats wrong with that" she asked

"Well me and peter kinda did 'it' last night and I threw up this morning" I told her as her eyes went wide

"Well do you want me to get you a pregnancy test" she asked

"Yes please I can't do it or he will be suspicious as to what iv brought" I tole him

"Okay I'll just tell him joe wanted to see me" she said as she grabbed her bag of the bed and stood up making her way to the door.

"Wait. Here's the money for them" I said giving her some money

"No it's fine iv got this" she said

"No seriously take it" I said trying to give it her

"No I'm not taking it now bye" she said as she walked out the door

"Were did hali go" peter asked me

"Uhm she said something about joe wanting to see her" i said

"Oh okay" he replied and carried on watching tv

"Well she's going to be back soon so I'm just gonna wait for her in the bedroom" I told him

"Okay babe" he said

I walked back into the bedroom pacing round the room stressing about what would happen if I bad actually pregnant.

About 5 minutes later I heard the front door open and close and realised it was hali. She came into the bathroom and chucked 4 tests at me

"Take them all that way well know for sure" she said

I nodded and grabbed the tests and headed for the bathroom

I read the instructions and waited for 2 minutes for the tests to work.

The alarm on my phone buzzed signalling 2 minutes were over.

"What does it say" hali asked from outside the door

"I don't know I'm too scared to look" I told her

"Well open the door and I'll tell you" she said

I opened the door and she came running in



Should she be pregnant?

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