☆ Chapter Sixteen: Agent Three

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"What's that?" she asked.

He glanced over at it. "Your sister dropped some stuff off for you while you were sleeping. She didn't want to wake you."

Lizzie's ears perked up, and she turned in the direction of the bag instantly with a pep in her step. When she got close enough, she noticed that it was a black duffle bag with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on it. She tried disguise her discomfort at the symbol now, knowing what was hidden underneath the system. Opening up the bag, she could have cried when she noticed that it was a new pair of clothes, some deodorant—it wasn't good—and other stuff she'd been severely missing that kept her from looking like an absolute mess, like a toothbrush.

Her cell phone, which she'd been without for two days, was laid directly on the top of it all. Lizzie didn't even attempt to touch it. S.H.I.E.L.D. would have probably hijacked it by now, and she couldn't trust a single thing being sent to or from it. That was the whole reason why she got the spy phones for Steve. As she rooted through the stuff, she felt something nearly cut her fingertip and frowned. When she glanced inside, she noticed that there was a thin piece of paper folded up between the layers of the clothes she'd been given.


"Monroe, can I go to the locker room?" she asked, standing up again with the bag over her good shoulder. The man instantly looked up, a scowl on his face at her request, ready to protest. "Please? I'll even go to the one no one uses. I smell like the back of an alley in Brooklyn. You're the one forced to smell me."

Monroe's jaw clenched, and she could see how hard of a time he was having letting her go off again, especially after she'd spent so long in the bathroom before. With a glance at the time, he let out a defeated sigh and waved her off. Lizzie jumped up, and she turned quickly to the door to unlock it so that she could run out as fast as possible. That time, she made sure she watched where she was going so that she didn't accidentally run into another Rumlow. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't power-walking to the locker room a few halls away, the one she'd used with Sharon, with a racing heartbeat and hyper awareness burning in her chest.

The second she got inside, she did a quick-take of the room to make sure that it was empty, then she locked the door behind her so that no one could even think of coming in. Not necessarily for privacy reasons, but for peace of mind that a HYDRA agent wouldn't kill her while she showered (literally one of her worst nightmares). Before she even got in the shower, she haphazardly threw around the clothes inside until she found the piece of paper that Sharon left her.

Then, she stopped dead in her tracks.

They're keeping us from each other. Stay where you are. Not safe.

Lizzie stared at the piece of paper for a few seconds, noticing that her hands were beginning to shake slightly, before she crumbled up the paper and moved quickly toward the toilets, flushing the piece of paper down. Her shower was quick after that, and she'd returned back to Carson's office with a different anxiousness approaching and a new pair of clothes. When the door opened, Monroe glanced up instantly, and he took in her new appearance with a bit of surprise. Instead of wearing a random t-shirt, she was wearing a black Dri Fit S.H.I.E.L.D. jacket with a pair of athletic leggings, the spy phone tucked in the pocket. She blended in more. Whatever Sharon's intentions had been, they made Lizzie look more like a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent than a teenage girl.

"Miss Congeniality got you playing dress up for the big leagues now?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Lizzie shot him a look, throwing the bag back down. "What do you call what you're wearing?"

"Conforming to modern day society's take on a prison uniform under the alias of 'work attire'."

Before she could retort back with something that would surely never end their bickering, both of them stopped everything when they heard the harsh sound of the overhead intercoms turning on and static ringing through. Then, someone spoke: "Attention, all SHIELD agents." Monroe shot up from the desk in an instant, confused. Lizzie's body froze the moment that she heard the familiar voice call out through the coms, a rush of panic instantly going through her. This was it. He got in. He made it. He was coming for her.

NOT ANOTHER TEEN MOVIE ∙ Peter ParkerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu