Chapter 2: (Cant think of a name)

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Ban POV:

I've never been a heavy sleeper and I wake up at the slightest of noises. So you can imagine how pissed I was when I was woken up at the ass crack of dawn. As my vision adjusted to the darkness I looked over to where every the sound that woke me up only to fond King whimpering and...CRY?! I quickly got up and walk over to Kings hammock. I put my hand on his forehead just like I did when Elaine when she was having a nightmare which I assumed is what was happening to King. After standing there for a moment he stopped crying and whimpering and I went back to bed and fell back asleep after a few minutes.

King POV:

After what felt like hours of them repeating themselves..It stopped...I looked up to see.. Ban..         He put his hand on my forehead and stood there for a few minutes then left.. after that I woke It was morning and Hawk was yelling at everyone to get up.

I flouted down on my pillow to see Melodies and talking then he walked up to me. "since someone drank all the booze you Ban are going to get more." He said with his goof smile.                 "What why do I have to go?!" I yelled. "Because I don't trust him not to fuck something up." He said with a shrug. "Fine..But I wont be back when we'er done so he'll have to walk back by himself okay?" I said annoyed as I walked out of the tavern. I was going to be back after Ban because i was going to pay my respects to my fallen kingdom..(the do this by helping the/a forest grow)

After getting what they needed~

"I'm going to go, you go straight home got it?" I asked Ban. "Can't I go with you?" He asked. "No it is seen disrespectful for an outsider to come with." I said annoyed. "Fiiiine" Ban said as I qiukly floated to a clearing in the woods.

No One POV:

Ban didn't go back to the tavern instead he followed King to the clearing and hide behind a near by tree and watched as King placed his hands on the ground as trees and flower started sprouting every where. "So you are the fairy king" A voice said coming out of the woods.                  "And who in the hell are you?" Kind asked slightly annoyed. "Oh ouch it hurts knowing you don't remember your fiance.~" "I was never engaged" After King said the hooded stranger reveled himself. After he did King was shocked and angry."Don't you remember I rejected you." "Please be mine i can give you anything you disire... little Elaine passed correct I can bring her back.~"

When he said this Ban disided to revel himself. "You can bring back Elaine?" "Ban what are you doing here?!" King yelled. Then the stranger spoke "Why of course right king.~" "No that magic is forbidden!" 

"Hmm~ Guess you could try to convince him.~" "King please....." Ban said  "No! If we brought her back she would-" He was cut off be Ban. "She would be alive. Isn't that what you want or maybe your glade your the almost the last fairy there was Helbant but you killed him whats next going to kill your fiance too?!" Ban said all of this with hatred in his voice. Though he didn't mean it King didn't know that and started crying.

"King- I didn't-" He was cut off be King flying away as fast as he could to the tavern.

(This is what the other dude looked like)

A/N: "614 word my god anyway I hoped you enjoyed this chapter Bye~!"

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A/N: "614 word my god anyway I hoped you enjoyed this chapter Bye~!"

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