Chapter 1

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I'm so glad that all of you guys are excited for this book! I was personally looking forward to this one myself :) Enjoy!


I pull out my wand and quickly clutch it to my chest as I press my body up against the door, trying to keep it shut. I know I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school but, what am I supposed to do? Just let this happen to me? I promised Ron that I wouldn't let her get to me this time.

"Protect yourself." He had said. I promised him that I would and I intend on keeping that promise. Thankfully, Harry nor Hermione have any clue what goes on at my house, they probably think I'm just clumsy half the time, even if I do look bloodied up when I meet with them.

"OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW OR YOU'LL REGRET EVER BEING BORN, BITCH!" I feel her fist pounding on the door as I'm pushing it closed, my shoes sliding forward against the floor from how hard I'm pushing.

I look around the room I'm in, trying to find something to hold the door closed with. "That empty bookcase ought to do it." I think, pulling it closer to me with my foot. I quickly switch places with it and she's still pounding on the door, not being able to get in. I look around and notice that I'm stuck in a storage cupboard. I pull at the little window that I used to crawl out of and escape through, and it slides open noisily.

I hiss at the squeaking sound, hoping my father didn't hear it. I crawl through and as I'm pulling my foot through the window, I notice that the pounding has stopped. I feel a hard tug at the base of my scalp and I reach up to grab whatever's pulling me.

"There's no way you're going to pull one on me again, slut." I hear her wretched tone as she drags me throughout the house. I squirm and kick, digging my nails into her arm. She yelps and lets go and I quickly crawl away, locking myself in the living room where my father does nothing but drink all day.


I hear his voice from behind me. My eyes widen and I push my back up against the door, having accidentally cornered myself. "I dropped my wand in the storage cupboard...What am I going to do now?" I think as I look up to see my father with a foul look on his face.

"Y-Yes..?" I ask, letting a few tears slip from my eyes as he approaches me.

"Stand up."

I do as I'm told and stand, keeping my body pressed up against the, now silent, door. I squeeze my eyes shut and immediately feel a cold hand smack me across the face with a few rings.

"You know why I hate you so much?"

His deep voice rattles my brain and I quickly open my eyes, clutching my hand to the cheek I was back-handed. I gently shake my head, looking at the floor.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

I look up again and he presses his hand to my throat.

"Because you look like your mother. The same woman you took away from me when you're useless existence was brought into this world."

I claw at his hand and choke as I start to cry. He throws me to the ground and I start coughing, wiping my face with my shirt.

"Now get out of here. I never want to see your face again."

I quickly stand and run out the door. I run at the cupboard window, yanking my wand out if it and running up to my room. I quickly shut the door before my step-mother notices and begin crying into the hands as I slide down the door.

I really do look like my mother. The same H/c hair, the same E/c eyes, same short figure, I could be a reincarnation of her for all I know. The only thing that's not the same though, is that she was a brave soul. She could travel anywhere and do anything without a second thought and I'm just doomed for eternity to be a scared, witless child.

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 5; Year 5)Where stories live. Discover now