Another chapter⚡️

Start from the beginning


He didn't even question it when he woke up the next morning with more bodies surrounding him. His siblings must have heard his sobbing. They were very caring and appreciative of each other.

The boys head was foggy and his eyes heavy. He almost didn't want to get out of the comfort of his family. He would've stayed there, if it weren't for the  small weight pushing on his bladder like a menace.

So, he got out of bed and did his business in the hallways bathroom.

He was washing his hands when he looked up in the mirror. To him, he looked horrid, but to everyone else, they were jealous of him. As much as Louis would like to argue, the baby did not ruin his curves. 
His hair was in all different directions. Which he thought was disgusting but it only made him cuter. The huge jacket was hanging off one of his shoulders, him being too lazy to pull it up. But what really caught his attention was the small shadow of a bump in his T-shirt. The bathroom lighting was casting down on it perfectly, making it glow-y and visible.

He smiled, rubbing his baby under the fabric, as he walked out of the bathroom. He was passing by his room when he heard his phone vibrating on his bed side table.

He was very hesitant to pick it up, but sighed once he found it was only Niall. He sat down on his bed, mindlessly answering the call,"Hello ni-"

"Where the hell are you?!" The Irish accent cut through the phone.

Louis forgot he has left them,"I'm in Doncaster, where are you, Niall?"

The anger in the blondes voice was very clear,"With the boys, our best friends, where you should be."

Louis sighed,"I'm very sorry...I am...I just had some personal things to deal with. Besides we're gonna see each other again soon...I hope."

He heard a laugh on the other end," Damn right, we will!"

The older boy pulled the phone away from his ear a little. Niall could be pretty loud sometimes,"You're not mad at me?"

"I'd only be mad if you left us without a reasonable explanation."

Louis smiled at his friends kind words,"Thank you, Niall. It means a lot."

"Always, you're wel—hey Louis, you just- I- you just don't sound okay and I want to make sure that you're doing fine. Kn-know that i- the boys and I will always be here for you." Niall replies concernedly.

The blonde may be oblivious at times but he always knew the right things to say. Louis and Niall talked for a while longer before Louis said he was getting hungry and Niall hung up on him after a long speech about the importance of food.

Louis looked own at his hand rested on his tummy, knowing that it'd be a long time before he'd be able to hang out with his brothers again. At least with Harry there.

*Harry's pov*

Harry threw himself down on the couch, his shot glass falling along with him. He looked at a drowsy Liam beside him.

Tonight they were getting drunk. It was their last night together, before they broke off into solo careers. They wanted one last carefree get together before all the stress of the upcoming years. Even Zayn was here. Of course he was a cute drunk though; Putting weird hats on Liam every second he got, cuddling up on the couch with Lux, softly singing to himself as he twirled the doll of Louis around (Niall felt bad when Louis wasn't here and stole the doll to make up for the missing member). It wasn't expected of Zayn to be that way but, he was.

Niall was the Insane one. Once he was wasted, the party starts. By that, he legitimately starts decorating for a party. Then he'd get very emotional when he'd get the room complete. No one could ever figure out why and eventually accepted it.

Liam was just chill. Always chill. Get him drunk and he's out like a light.

It was Louis and Harry that no one could figure out. For one, it was very rare that they got drunk near the other boys. Most of the time it was just them and having a "night together".

Harry couldn't help but laugh when he looked over at Liam again, only to find he had a Christmas tree hat standing tall on his head.

Liam smiled lazily,"Tis the season, m'right?"

Harry giggled,"Christmas was three months ago, pal." He patted the brown haired boys shoulder.

Liam shrugged it off, changing the topic,"Do you know where Louis is?"

Harry's smile dropped.

You did this, it's your fault.

"No, did you ask Niall?"he replied back, resting his feet on the coffee table.

Liam was confused at why he didn't know where his own boyfriend was but nonetheless asked Niall.

"Niall!" He tried getting his attention.

The blonde clenched the strands on lights in his hands, turning towards Liam,"Yes?"

"Do you know where short boy is?"he asked.

Niall simply said "No." and went on to hang the lights.

Liam and Harry both looked shocked.

They heard a giggle beside them,"he gets sassy when you stop his decorating, guys."they both turned towards zayn who was smooshing his face into a pillow.

Liam sighed,"Oh, whatever," he picked up Niall phone, calling the Doncaster boy,"Niall, Louis is calling you!"

They heard a thump and before they could think Niall was sitting in the floor with the phone to his ear.

A quiet 'hello' was heard before Niall was interrogating the boy. The Irish boys face changed many times, it would be comical if they were happy facial expressions.

They all groaned when Niall ranted about food, they were positive Louis had left the phone on speaker. When they found the pair saying their goodbyes it was almost relieving.

Niall looked close to tears though,"He doesn't sound okay at all. I don't know what happened but I'm scared."

Harry shamefully looked down at his lap. He'd turn back and change it all if he could.

Zayn looked worriedly at the others,"D-do you think something- I mean- maybe his moms sickness got wors- or..."

Now Liam looked worried but Harry wasn't as worried. Mostly because he knew the reason for the oldest boys departure.

They all turned to the curly headed boy, wondering why he was here when his boyfriend was upset and somewhere else.

Harry met all of their questioning eyes,"I- um- I broke up wi-th him.."

Yeah, I have no idea what that was but I tried. Hopefully, this cleared some stuff up and if you have any questions do ask them now.

Also I felt like I should add this here because I didn't put it in the story but Brianna is who management hired to cover Louis' pregnancy. Basically, everyone thinks he got her pregnant but in reality he got pregnant. Aight, cool?👌🏻

Date written: 6-13-20
Date posted: 6-13-20


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