"Has no one invited Lucinda?" Gerald asked the family that had gathered at the dining table. "She's going to be part of the family very soon. She should be here."

"You're the only one who wants her here, Dad," Savanna said, rolling her eyes as she unrolled a hotdog from the foil.

Ava swatted her daughter's hand and clicked her tongue in dismay. "We aren't starting without your brother. It's his birthday."

"His birthday was last week," she murmured. She pointed to the empty chair next to her and gestured for Queen to join her. "Come sit with me, Queen. You can tell me all the ways my brother is an ass."

Maddox gasped. "Aunt Vanna, you said a bad word."

Savanna held up a finger to her lips and shushed the four year old, shaking her head to deny his accusation. "Aunt Vanna never says bad words. Got it?"

He giggled, nodding his head to agree with her.

"Did your boyfriend decide he's too good to join us for dinner, too?" Immanuel asked, checking his watch. "If he isn't down here in two minutes, I'm leaving."

"You're free to leave now," Kyrie said, pulling up a chair beside Queen. It was the last open spot, and although she was visibly uncomfortable sitting next to him, there was nothing he could do about it. "Save us from your complaints."

"And miss this show?" Immanuel smirked at his brother, gesturing between him and Queen. "I'm about to witness something go down tonight."

"Queen, can we please talk privately?" Kyrie asked quietly enough for just her to hear.

"Show some respect. Your mother prepared this dinner for you."

As Ava announced that she would be saying grace, everyone closed their eyes but Kyrie. He was watching Queen, admiring her beauty illuminated by the chandelier. He couldn't take his eyes off her, not even when his mother finished her prayer and everyone had dug in.

Suddenly his hand cupped her knee, and she sucked in a sharp breath. Her pinky grazed his rough, calloused hand, confirming that he was really touching her, feeling her. "Please," he whispered. With his voice was in her ear, it was hard to ignore his pleas, but she fought the urge to follow him into another room.

"Dinner's great, Ava," Queen told her, offering a grateful smile.

Ava waved her off dismissively and turned to her son. "Queen did all the work. You better thank her properly after dinner."

Immanuel burst into a fit of laughter, clutching his stomach and wiping his brow. "If fucking the nanny is a proper thanks for cooking, I wonder what the rest of us get for showing up."

Gerald glared at his son and slammed his fist on the table. Colt and Maddox flinched, but no one else was fazed by it. "Watch your language, boy. My grandsons are at the table."

"We didn't hear anything, Grandpa," Colt said, covering his ears. He earned a round of awes and smiles around the table.

"Must I remind you that you are marrying Lucinda in a few short months?" Gerald's gaze had turned on Kyrie and Queen. His cold stare made her uneasy. "I better not hear that anything is going on between you and this babysitter of yours or you're cut off. You won't inherit a single thing. You hear me?"

Ava shook her head, expressing her disappointment with her husband. "Stop threatening our children. Kyrie has his own assets. Just let them live, Gerald."

"And let them make the same mistakes I did?" He bitterly laughed. "You have a lot to lose right now, Ky. If you do not marry this girl, you better believe that all Emerson owned businesses are pulling out of that stupid organization of yours."

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