First Book

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Bet you never would have guessed. But chapters into my first book I posted here on wattpad. I almost gave up on writing in general.

I had only 10 followers at the time. And zero votes on my book.
I felt stupid for writing. I hated my style of writing. I knew it wasn't written well.
Yet I wanted to keep writing it.

I think it was once my book was half posted. Did I get my first vote on it.
Then soon all the votes and comments came flooding in. Not to mention the followers praising me.

I was beyond shocked and confused.
People actually liked my writing?
They liked my story idea?

I had followers begging for updates.
This is what sparked my writing craze.

I thought my book was worthless, yet many loved it. My followers increased like crazy after this first book was posted.
For the longest time it was my most popular book as well.

It is one of my favourite stories to date still. Being my first book. That makes it special.

And if you know me. You know I'm not keen on writing sequels. Yet a sequel soon followed this story, and got just as much praise.

This was WAY before my yaoi. WAY before I even watched anime. This was when I was Voltage app crazed.
Mainly between two apps.

My first book was based off my first voltage app I fell in love with. And the main guy I wrote it off of was my first Prince route I chose.

The voltage app was:
Be My Princess.

I was addicted to these things.
But it in the end. Sparked my writing.

This story is dear to me. I can't really recall how the idea came to me exactly. Just somehow I knew I wanted her to loose her memories and not remember who she was in the book.

But I'm happy with how it turned out.

I have yet to repost it on my new account. As being my first book. The writing is terrible and cringe worthy now. It was back in my stage of not understanding pov. So its a mix of half first and half third person.

It's going to need a huge rewrite. But I can't wait to bring it back to life.

This book started it all.
It led to 29 published books and originally 6k readers.

(The original book cover)

(The original book cover)

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