attack and a birthday party

Start from the beginning

"Oh shit"

The fat lady was gone from her portrait which had been slashed across the middle.

Dumbeldore took one somber look at the painted before he eyes darted to the left where professors McGonagall, Snape and Lupin were hurting towards him.

"We have to find her, someone tell filch to search every painting in the castle for the fat lady"

"You'll be lucky" came a calling voice. Peevees appeared looking exited as always.

"What do you know peevees?" Cass asked him. Peevees turned to her and his smile faded a little but he still answered her question.

"She ashamed, doesn't want to be seen, she's a horrible mess. Saw her on the landscape on the fourth floor crying about something dreadful"

"Did she say who did it?" Dumbeldore asked

"Oh yes professorhead, he got a very angry when she wouldn't let him in to the common room, you see. Nasty temper he's got that Sirius Black"

Dumbeldore sent all the students back into the Great hall including the ones form the other houses who were very confused and the gryffindors were explaining what happened.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a search of the castle. I'm afraid that you all will have to spend the night in here for your own safety. The perfects will stand guard at the entrances to the Great hall and I leave the head boys and girls in charge"

Dumbeldore turned on his heel and went to leave but seemed to remember something and turned back around.

"Oh yes you'll be needing....."

He waved his wand and soon the floor was carpeted in thousands of purple sleeping bags.

"Sleep well"

Dumbeldore left the Great hall and closed the doors.

"Everyone get into their sleeping ba-" Percy shouted but was cut off by the twins shouting.

"Well we can still have our party we will just have to start it a little earlier than planned"

They waved their wands and charms were placed on the room so no one could anything from the outside and no teachers could open any of the doors or windows with a password that only the twins knew. The Halloween decorations were replaced with birthday ones and loud party music began to play.

Smiles graced everyone's face excpet Percys as they used their wands to change into their costumes. Cassie had dressed up as the main character from her favourite book, Alice form Alice in Wonderland. Harry was dressed as a pirate. Hermione was dressed as cat woman. Ron was dressed as a chudley cannons player and the twins were dressed tweedle Dee and tweedle Dum.

The party was buzzing and all the students were getting drunk(third years and above) and having an over all great time. Harry, Ron and Hermione stood off in a corner as Cass had got drunk and gone off with the twins. The trio had begun to talk or rather shout over the music about Sirius Black.

"Do you think he is still in the castle?" Hermione asked timidly

"Dumbeldore obviously thinks so"

"It's very lucky he picked tonight you know, the one night when we weren't in the tower...."

"I reckon he's lost track of time on the run, didn't realise it was Halloween otherwise he'd have come bursting in here"

Hermione shuddered and Harry nodded.

Near the end of the night Cassie was placed on a chair that some of the older students lifted into the air and everyone sang happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Cassie
Happy birthday to you"

"Hip hip!" The twins shouted


"Hip hip!"


"Hip hip!"


Cass had a huge smile and happy tears streaming down her face as they let her down from the chair. This was the most lived she had ever felt and it really warmed her heart.

The party came to a close early the next morning and the twins took the charms of the room and other students helped them get rid of the decorations. Everyone changed into their pajamas, got into their sleeping bags. Cassie hugged the twins before she fell asleep and whispered to them.

"Thank you for all of this,I love you guys so much"

She then layed her head on Harry's chest, he put his arm around her and they fell asleep.

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