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Early in the morning, my eyes shot open as the sound of blasters ricocheting off metal shook me from my sleep. My saber soared into my hand, igniting as I sprung from the makeshift cot I had been sleeping in for the past seven weeks. The war had me on edge, and I was worried about an ambush. I was just about to run out of my small tent when I heard a sleepy voice behind me.

"Stand down, Obi-" a long yawn- "It's just target practice. Nothing to worry about."

My heart slowed its racing pace a bit as I turned to face my former Padawan, who was sleeping in the cot next to mine in our tent. Anakin blinked warily at me, pointing at my saber. I sheathed it. Evidently, the blasters had just woken him up too: his choppy blond-brown hair was messily tousled, his stormy blue eyes were blinking and slightly puffy, and his wrinkled nightshirt was still draped across his muscled frame. He glowered at me from behind his rough wool blanket, groaning as he swung his legs around. "You woke me up." He furrowed his brows at me, and I grinned to myself; Anakin had never been a morning person.

He extracted himself from his cot and stood, lightly shaking his head to wake himself. He glanced at me, shrugging. "Good reaction, though. Your reflexes are as quick as ever." With this, he threw me a small smile, before his usual smirk graced his face once more.

After trudging back to his cot, he bent over, retrieved his cloak from where he had discarded it on the ground the night before, and stood back up, stretching himself out with another big yawn. I couldn't help but allow my eyes to wander up and down his flawless figure, and my lips parted slightly, a strange feeling flowering in my gut and tingling up my spine.

I gulped, checking my shields. After pulling the cloak on, he turned and caught me staring, causing his eyebrow to raise. "Is something wrong master?"

I blinked. "Oh, no, sorry. I was thinking about something." My eyebrows scrunched together as I turned, exiting the tent as my cheeks heated slightly. What was that? Shaking my head to get the strange clump out of my throat, I wrapped my cloak around me to keep myself warm and walked briskly to the other side of our makeshift base, which was currently covered in snow.

Flakes drifted slowly from the sky as I entered the main tent, where several commanders updated me on the status of our opponents. "We sent some scouts to go see what they were doing, and they appear to be heading east. They are nearing the cliff we crossed three weeks ago, and we have prepared..."

I stopped paying attention when I saw Anakin had entered the tent. Snowflakes were sprinkled through his hair, which was now somewhat neater, and his cheeks were tinted pink from the cold. He glanced at me and saluted ridiculously, which nearly caused me to laugh. (this would have been HUGELY inappropriate considering we were in the middle of a war meeting.)

When the meeting was adjourned, I made my way over to him. He was talking with a commander, and he turned to look at me once he was finished. I looked up at him. "I received word from the council. we have a mission." His eyes both lit up and turned dark at the same time.

~edit- 100 reads!! i'm so grateful thank you- I never expected to get any reads! :3 ~

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