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My story takes place long, long ago. Just when humanity had become civilized. The gods had given humanity fire, and humanity prospered. But they also became greedy. They fought for land and food, for money and for power. Useless battles, really. But nonetheless, they fought.

And they fought for years. Hundreds of battles fought, thousands of lives lost. It was horrifying. No one could stop the massacres. Two armies going toe-to-toe, and only one making it home for dinner.

One day, a goddess decided to make a change. She had had enough of the bloodshed. She didn't want anymore innocent lives to be lost. So she decended from the heavens, and she intercepted the battles. She stopped entire armies with just two words. Two words with infinite meanings. Two words with great power. Two, life-changing words:

"No more"

Upon hearing this, the armies stopped. They dropped their weapons, and shook hands. Peace had finally come. Warmth and gratitude had finally made it's way into soldiers' hearts. The civilizations finally lived in harmony.

Things weren't quite the same in the realm of the gods, though. The goddess had committed the worst of taboos - interfering directly with mortal affairs.

She was punished to one thousand years in the mortal realm. One thousand years without her powers.

She spent most of her time on a small mountain, away from civilization. She became familiar with the wildlife around her.

Her life became peaceful. She ate fish 4 days of the week and bird the other 3. She loved every animal, and nurtured every plant. She became part of the forest.

On a warm Summer's day, a change stumbled into her life. A young ex-warrior, to be exact. And his name was Solis. I know, stupid name. But to the goddess, it was bright as the sun.

The two met in the nearby woods, and they spent many days together. Eventually, they fell in love.

After half a year, the goddess became pregnant with a baby girl. The couple was happy. Thrilled, even.

But their happiness didn't last.

Word had gotten around about the half-blooded child. The gods were furious at the goddess. She had broken one of their most sacred laws. And now she bore the consequences inside her.

They thought of her as a traitor, and stripped her of her title. They cursed the family to always know the pain of betrayal.

Solis and the goddess were cursed to eternal rebirth, and the child to eternal life. Every life, Solis and the goddess would meet, fall in love, and adopt a child. The cursed child.

Once the child reaches eight years of age, she would watch as her mother is murdered. Year after year after year, the cycle has repeated. Over and over, blood has been spilled.

But now, the cycle has been broken.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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