The god in the human world

Start from the beginning

"Get away from me! They're digging inside-! Aahhh-!!!" The low pitch screams raw with torment continued on as sweat poured down the man's haggard face.

"And they'll dig even deeper until they reach your insides... They'll spread in your body and nurture themselves with your essence, lay their eggs inside your organs and slowly eat you from the inside till you writhe in pain."

"No! Take them out! Take them ou-!" He coughed just as a worm entered his mouth.

"Why would I? This world will be rid of one less worthless human being." The professor ruffled his head and smiled at him. "Hold on to your knife well. And if it becomes too much, you can end it yourself. This is the only kindness you can get from me."

Standing up, he bid him farewell and continued on his way, ignoring the moans of pain that was slowly being muffled by the sounds of traffic.

Nights like this have become less and less surprising for him and humans became more predictable as he continued to interact with them. In short, life became boring.
But that had drastically changed the day he met Lace Serafica. The first human to survive an encounter with him. It was unexpected. Shocking, even.

They met the next day after the incident in the alley. An on-site forensic specialist. She probed him with an air of professionalism most people would lose when talking to him, seeing how meek he looked.

"Mr. Kier Larazabal. This is yours, isn't it?" She said this as she handed his I.D. It must have fallen off his wallet last night.

But rather than being professional, she actually seemed more hostile. For sure the detective in charge had been alerted by her and the thought that someone would be looking into his activities vexed him. All because of a measly human being. He thanked her and made sure to return the favor. Slightly touching her fingers (a means to pass her an illness) whilst taking his identification card, he expected her to be dead in a few days but nothing of the sort happened. In the end, he got suspected, was questioned and was later on released when evidences pointed out that the cause of death was undoubtedly suicide.

"I'm sorry..."

He could still remember her apology. She looked extremely uncomfortable and interestingly looked... quite healthy. He'd known that she didn't die, given the investigation to check if he was related to the murder proceeded, but personally seeing her standing, radiating with life and vitality, he couldn't help but feel intrigued. So intrigued that he'd performed numerous experiments on the oblivious human.

He followed her around and manipulated her guilt to get close to her. Twisting the meaning of his words, trying to make her believe she had committed a grave sin. Something that she did not take too kindly, unfortunately. Gaining her trust was a lot harder than he thought. He'd acted kind. Gentlemanly. He even swallowed whatever pride he had and became something like a lackey. Of course, not without weighing the merits. From there, the small assessments, which generally consisted of ineffective friendly physical interactions (thinking the first time was a fluke) became bolder. So much that he tried to feed her all kinds of food, jam-packed with worms which became the pinnacle of his study. His hypothesis that she is a walking anti-body was proven so easily. It seems her whole being is fully impervious to him, even the creepers disappear, quickly dissipating in black smoke when near her.

She truly is a worthy guinea pig.

That was why he got so furious when news reached him of her disappearance. Their hunch was that a runaway suspect kidnapped her out of spite.

"What..?" It was the only word he could mutter at the time. He didn't think he'd get so anxious over something that he'd lose the ability to speak.

His heartbeat thundered in his chest apprehensively. His experiment was not yet carried to completion yet there was already the possibility that she would die? It was the first time he was caught in such a dilemma. Letting the situation progress without intervening meant only one ending.

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