Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my mother yelling at me to wake up."Valerie if you don't get up this instant I am coming up there and bury you.(and not in a hypothetical sense, knowing her.)"

"I'm up already, what do you want." I yelled tiredly

"I'll tell you after you get ready."

I took of my pajamas and quickly put on a plain black v-neck shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.afterwords I ran downstairs and asked mom what she wanted.

"Can you go to the human town and buy a few things." she begged

"Fine," I sighed "where's the list of the items I've gotta get."

She quickly gave me the list that I believe she has been holding this entire time. After taking the list I began to head towards the door, grabbing my
Sunglasses and coat.

Incase you did not know dragons, like myself, do not like people to know where they are, so they wear sunglasses to hide their eyes. Dragons hide their eyes when they go out, because when a dragon transforms from their true form to their humanoid form the eyes are re only thing that looks dragon like.a dragons eyes have very thin and long pupils and are normally vibrant colors.The color of a dragons eyes represent their element/s.

After I left and was almost at the village I decided to take a look at the list. As soon as I read the first few items I realized that I had no clue what these are of these things were, let alone where to get them.

As soon as I arrived at the village I noticed that I looked as if it had been deserted. there was no one in sight except for one soldier.

"Hey, everyone needs to take the test, and you are no exception" he yelled while walking towards me

"What test." I yelled back.

"What, you haven't heard?" He queried. "The summoning test, of course"

"Okay, I didn't know because I only stop by here every now and then." I said with a smile"I don't live here."

"Follow me to the the test then." he insisted."even if you are not a citizen in this village, you still need to be tested."

I followed him to the testing in silence.

The test sight was on the other side of town. It was a purple tent, and it was huge. It was probably over 1000 ft tall. It was almost too tall if you ask me. on the inside the tent was divided into four sections, three testing rooms and one waiting room.the "doors" to the testing rooms had the numbers one-three above them.

As I walked in I was handed a badge with the number 472 on it. I continued walking until I found a good place to sit. I sat near the middle of the waiting room until my turn came.

"Contest number 472 report to testing room 1" the voice yawned over the loudspeaker

I got up and walked over to testing room one. Inside there were three people and a summoning circle in the center of the room. There was also a small table with a knife

"Are you number 472." said the tall blonde man to my left.

"Yes,that would be me" I said

"For the test, all you have to do is bleed onto the summoning circle" said the tall blonde man. "As you probably noticed already, there is a knife on the table next to you."

I picked up the knife from the table next to me, and I cut the middle of my hand over the summoning circle. I watched as my blood slowly dropped down onto the circle drawn onto the floor.

As the second drop of my blood fell onto the circle it began to glow a brilliant gold color, and a portal opened up. A man around my age came out of the portal. As soon as he got out of the portal he threw a ball of energy at me. I easily nocked it down with my hand. When the blast hit the ground it filed the room with smoke.

When all the smoke cleared the boy was standing in the middle of the summoning circle with an smirk on his face. as soon as I saw him I went into a daze and could not control my movements. In this daze a raised my hand towards him and let my blood go forward towards him

"I, dragon of blood use my blood to bind you to me, so you forever remain by my side and obey me." my voice letting bit of my dragon slip out.

After I said that my blood began to wrap around his wrists, ankles, and neck. After that, everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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