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first things first, elodie is about the most unfiltered person that you will ever meet. she doesn't have much of an impulse control in the first place, even if she didn't have adhd like most demigods it is likely her focus and attention span would not be the most optimal. when you factor in her adhd, she takes the whole impulsive thing to the next level. elodie is not the sort of perosn to think before speaking, the exact opposite she definitely isn't all charming, suave and silver tongued as one may expect from a child of the goddess of l and b. in fact, the young woman is downright dismal at flirting, at least when she puts actual effort and intention into it. sort of like, the moment she decides to 'go for it' she ends up saying the exact wrong thing and sounding hopelessly awkward and also whipped towards whoever the object of her affections is. subconsciously though, she can unintentionally come across as quite flirty, the type to be open and playful around those she's friends with, a touchy feely sort of person, you just know she's the type to constantly leaning on her friends for cuddles. it's honestly sort of ironic that when she actually makes the decision to attempt to flirt with someone all her bravado and smoothness disappears, but the moment elodie has no desire at least that she knows of whatsoever to be all 'flirty' she's smooth to the point of having the second person constantly second guessing, like wait what did she just say? 

elodie is definitely a confident one, this is a trait undoubtedly taken from aphrodite, but also something she gets from her mortal father, victor beauchêne, no doubt something about the man's willful personality and confidence in himself proving very charismatic. they do say confidence is key after all, which is good, something the girl possesses in abundance, she is many things but definitely not a coward. which, honestly can get a bit problematic, she doesn't have a good sense of self preservation, even on demigod scales, a nice portion of this being attributed to that aforementioned lack of forethought. because of this, elodie sometimes ends up starting fights that really weren't necessary, not always physical but sometimes physical, blurting out snarky one liners without thinking and sparking the match. at times, she can be rather lazy simply finding herself lacking the motivation to do something. that being said, sometimes elodie can get quite passionate into things, like friendships and capture the flag matches and issues she cares about, she may be a slacker but she is capable of giving her effort to something and to great effect. energetic, but not in an overtly bubbly bubbly childish way, she is a fountainhead of energy and doesn't tire easily. at least, she doesn't let it show. 

confident or not, while elodie certainly doesn't come across this way, at times, elodie can be a little bit insecure internally, the type to sometimes stress too much about the little things. she is constantly in a state of either not giving a damn or caring too much and trying way too hard. she is confident in the skin she's wearing now for the most part, but there was a time when she was younger that elodie decidedly wasn't, and accordingly, changed her look weekly. this phase is for the most part over, but every now and then she has those moments where elodie so desperately seeks the validation and praise of another to make her feel good. on the outside, perhaps she comes across as not caring whatsoever people opinions of her. on the inside? she's a little bit of a people pleaser, wanting to be liked, loved even. this is probably one of her fatal flaws. elodie cares deeply about those she's close to and their opinions, and she's afraid to go against them or do something that risks changing whatever perfect picture reputation she's built for herself at camp. here at camp half blood, she's a long time camper, outgoing, badass without too much of a care in the world. on the inside, everything is a whole lot more complicated to say the least. 

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