More than a Kiss

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    "BARRY, BARRY, BARRY!!!" Naldo cried while running into the RV. "What's wrong?!" Barry asked. "Oh, nothing! I was just exited to see you." "Oh come on! You scared me!" "Oh well."

    But Naldo felt something that he never felt before. He felt nervous to be around Barry. But the nervousness felt good... "ok, well Renaldo, sense you don't seem to be doing anything other than scaring people, can you help me with something?" Naldo's heart races thinking of all of the possible things Barry could ask him to do. "Like what?" Naldo asked. "So you know how I'm going on a date with Marci? Well I need help on what to do." "Like what? Proper eating, being nice, giving compliments?" "Kissing" Barry stated without hesitation. "Oh... ok sure, I can help." Naldo's hands got clammy of even the thought of kissing Barry's soft lips. "Ok then! Let's get started with how to know when to kiss"

    Renaldo's heart started to settle now that he knows he isn't actually going to kiss him. "But I don't think I'll even be able to kiss her! I'm not good at emotions! I feel comfortable around YOU! Not Marci!" Barry said nervously. "BARRY! Get a hold of yourself and let's start. It'll be easy!"

    It was not easy. After 3 hours of charts, diagrams, and even puppets, Barry could still not get a hold of when and how to kiss. "I'll never get it!!! Renaldo... I think I need actual practice. Like on a real person... how about you?" Naldo's heart felt like it was going a million miles. His hands felt like waterfalls... "Yeah! Of course!" Naldo said with a clear quiver in his voice. "Are you sure?" Barry asked. "Absolutely, anything to get you to Marci." Barry places his hands on the boys hips.

   Renaldo grabbed Barry's waist. They leaned in and had a pretty good kiss considering it was Barry's first. Naldo felt good, he felt like this is what he had to do. Although his heart was beating super fast. Now, almost no space in between the two boys, Barry retreated, but his hands still on Naldo's hips. Staring at each other will such intent. Renaldo backing up even more and saying sorry to Barry constantly. "Barry is so sorry" "It's ok! But I'll never understand how and when to kiss! I'll never get Marci to like me! I'll probably get broken up with!" Bar- Naldo is cut off. "I'll never understand emotions! BAR- he's cut off again "I just won't ever get it! I don't understand!" "BARRY!" Naldo tried to yell over him. "It's not that-."

    He cuts himself off by pulling Barry in unexpectedly to kiss him so he shuts up, but he doesn't stop. Neither of them do. It goes from a soft to a deep kiss really fast. Renaldo don't want to stop. He wants to stay there forever and a million years more, kissing Barry's soft lips, holding him so close. But Naldo finally pulls away. Barry is speechless. Naldo wants to hold him more, but he knows they are just friends. "Naldo... I don't think I want Marci..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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