"Taeyong?" Your voice was horrible. It was raspy and it made you flinch on how much it hurts to swallow a saliva.

"Stay still. I'm cleaning the black smokes off your face." He muttered while dipping the towel in the warm water once again.

After hearing him say that, you suddenly felt more weak. "Do I have any bruises?"

"No. But your throat probably has the problem." Taeyong looked checked on your arms to make sure. "Drink a lot of warm water."


"Don't talk. Aside from it sounded like a scary oldie's voice, it will hurt more if you keep on talking." Taeyong mumbled, letting the towel slid on your cheeks.

You grinned. "You really have to insult me first before you care."

He glared. "I told you not to speak."

You just playfully hummed in respond while pressing your lips into a thin line.

Taeyong sighed in relief to make you quiet. While he was busy wiping off the dust in your face, you can't help but to stare at him. He looked.. perfect.

Even from seeing the view from below, he looks perfect.

You snapped back in reality when you realize you're literally staring at his soul. You flinched at yourself, trying to get rid of what you just depicted him.

Taeyong's brows raised when he noticed you flinching. "Is somewhere hurting?"

"N-No, I'm fine." You softly tap on your cheeks. "Is it done?"

Taeyong simply nodded and you immediately sat upright, slightly growling at the headache. You looked around and found out you're inside a huge room. The fluffy blankets were wrapped on your legs.

"You're in my room." He informed before you could even ask. "I know you're feeling weak. They cooked some meal because Sicheng won't be able to heal non-physical problems, like fever and headaches. Anyway, tell me if you can stand on your own."

"I'll try." Your raspy voice mumbled, removing the blankets off you.

Before your feet could touch the cold floor, Taeyong kicked the soft flipflops on his bed towards your direction. You weakly inserted your feet on it before standing. Your legs was still wobbling and thankfully, Taeyong didn't left and guided you, letting you hold his arms for support.

The lights outside his room's hallway made you wince. The sound of utensils clanking at each other echoed together with the smell of the meal they were cooking.

"Y/N's finally awake." Donghyuck informed no one in particular after seeing you slowly making your way downstairs with the help of Taeyong.

"What happened? To the school?" You mumbled to the guy next to you who's getting a little impatient on how much you took time taking every step.

"We'll talk about it later." He replied after you both finally reached the end of stairs.

"How are you feeling?" Mark asked cheerfully.


"Oh, I see. Terrible." He gritted his teeth after hearing your voice. You only rolled your eyes in response.

"Here, have some." Doyoung passed you a bowl of soup and put a warm glass of water at the table. You smiled to thank him but he's not even looking at you.

Okay. They are rude and kind at the same time.

"What actually happened?" You asked as soon as you gulped some water. It felt better to speak and sounded less horrible.

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