The game continued back and forth for a few more rounds before I made the mistake of aiming for one of the front cups and not bouncing it far enough, resulting in the ball landing just short of the cup. I audibly groaned as Noah smirked across the table at me, both of us knowing that I was done for. Each round we both had to drink another cup, but because of my previous mistake I was down one. The game got progressively more tense, but I felt the beer start to take action and my whole body felt calm and warm.

Before long, I was down to one cup while Noah still had two, both of them being closer to the back of the table, while mine was closer to the middle. Noah had gotten cockier each turn, and as I tossed the ball and made it into one of his cups, he just yawned before chugging it. I knew that I was done for, but I still didn't appreciate his energy. One he was done drinking, he put a hand over his eyes and tossed the ping pong ball, which bounced off of the table and landed right into my final cup. The little crowd around us erupted in cheers as I chugged my last cup, holding up my middle finger to Noah as I did. I didn't really mind losing, it was just annoying how smug he was about the game. He slid his final cup across the table to me, sloshing it around a little bit. I chugged the final cup before sulking off into the crowd, where Josh and Carson consoled me.

I didn't really care about the game and the three of us laughed it off before we went to find something else to do. Just as we were headed back inside, I spotted Schlatt with some of the misfits out of the corner of my eye and without a second thought I slipped through the crowd to see what was going on. As I got closer I saw that he was chatting with the misfit's manager, Ryan, a guy who I recognized as Kryoz gaming, Mason and Charlie. Seeing that my mind was a bit cloudy, I had no problem walking right into the conversation, wrapping one arm around Charlie and the other around Schlatt, both of which were a bit startled at my sudden appearance.

"Good evening boys," I said happily as I gave each of them a big smile. I wasn't even paying attention to their conversation as I just sort of stood there, watching them talk to each other. After a while, I put my arms down and leaned into Schlatt slightly, feeling a little tired from the excitement of the day, even though I hadn't really done much. I was sort of drowning out the noises of their voices and god only knows what I had found to think about.

I was interrupted from my trance when Schlatt tapped me on the arm. I looked up at him slowly, giving him a warm smile as our eyes met. I had to focus pretty hard to even hear what he was saying.

"Do you want to get out of here?" He asked me, matching my soft gaze and giving me a small smile. He must have seen the surprise on my face considering the phrasing of his question, and quickly corrected himself. "I mean, do you want to go back to the air bnb or maybe just drive around or get food or something?" His face was bright red.

I nodded at his statement and looked down at my phone, seeing that it was already almost 11. I had no idea how time had passed so quickly, or what the hell I had been doing in the meantime. I hadn't really eaten anything during the actual barbeque part of our night, so I really liked the idea of going to get something.

I linked arms with Schlatt and started to pull him to the front door of the house, waving at one or two friends as we made our way out. Apparently he had been a few steps ahead of me, and there was already an uber at the end of the driveway. It took us a little to get back to the air bnb, but when we did we immediately hopped into Schlatt's car to wander around and find some place to eat.

"Y/n?" Schlatt turned on the car, "Will you text the group chat and tell everyone we left?" He asked me. Sure, I was a little tipsy, but it was wearing down, and I could definitely handle sending a simple text.

Me: heyy guys jslut and i left the party

Carson: where did u go

Me: home

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