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Part 78

Ways to End the Wars

"If I be Kind ta Me and Everyone, then Life might Be more Happy, Don't ya Think? When Cares and Worries Seem ta Weigh a Ton, I'd Give 'em All ta God, and I'd not Sink! So, Kindness, That's a Thing I Recommend; I need ta be much kinder, friend, my Self! And Love's a Grace on Which we must depend; ya Love yourself and Everybody ELSE! Now, Speaking Truth can Help ya Learn ta Love; appreciating Beauty Does that, Too; forgiveness, Also, Stops the Push-and-Shove, so Why not Do what's Kind? May GOD BLESS YOU!"

Health Is for Everybody!

"Now, Murder Never Brings the People Peace, and Apathy don't Save a Single Soul. Nobody's Greediness makes Wealth increase, you're Poor indeed, when Wealth 's your Only Goal! When Stealing Wealth is How ya Make your Way, your Gonna Make your Life a Sorry Mess! You've Gotta Straighten Up an' LOVE TODAY, and EVERYBODY, THEN, YOU'RE GONNA BLESS! ~ Now, THAT is WHERE it's AT! And You'll Get Free, if You'll agree, an' Follow Through, with What ya DO! I'm Telling You! I have spoken!"

What's Your Will?

(to the Holy One)

"What IS your Will for Me today, I'd Really Like ta Know.... my Choices' Outcomes I must Weigh, I'll Reap just What I Sow! Your Vision Helps my Heart ta See, your Blessings Meet my Needs; so Answer This, my Earnest Plea: which Thoughts, which Words, which Deeds? Thank You, Holy Spirit!"

Who Would I Be?

"If I embodied GOD, who Would I Be? Would I be Christ? Muhammad? Buddha? Who? I Hope that You and All the World will See... that God's in All of Us, in Me, in You!"

With Loving Thanks

"Ta Put my Thanks in Words is But a Dream, but, Please, I've Got ta Get my Love ta You! Though Love may Flow just Like a Rushing Stream, each word is But a Drop o' Morning Dew.

"Within each Drop is Held a Love divine, a Cosmos Rich and Sparkling, Can't you See? You've Filled my Heart with LOVE, YOU Make it SHINE; and I APPRECIATE your Blessing ME! Thank You, Honey-Pie!"

You Can SHINE!

"If Living Doesn't Seem ta Be much Fun, and You don't Feel like Trying Any More, Hang IN There, Get a Little Loving Done: ya Just might Find a Miracle 's in Store!... If No one Seems ta Love you Very Much, could Be ya Need ta Start ta Love your Self. Ya Just might Be a Little Out o' Touch: so LOVE YOUR SELF, and Love somebody Else!... There's Surely Better Things ahead fer You; ya Still may Realize those Hopes and Dreams! So Speak some Truth, and Love, an' Follow Through – and Spread some Gentle, Loving Sunshine Beams!"

A Prayer for Lovers

"Between us, Let there Be no Unkind Talk! And May our Love cast Out all Fears an' Spite! With Faith an' Courage, Let's Together Walk, and Pause at Times, ta Hold each Other Tight!... Please, Heaven, guide with Truth our Every Choice; in Peaceful Beauty May we Daily Live! And May your Grace, please, Help us Both rejoice ...and Ask and Offer Thanks for All ya Give!... And Make us Bold and Brave ta Share your Love, the Sweetest Stuff of All ta Get ta Know! Your Kingdom Come is What we're Dreaming Of – please Strengthen Both of Us ta Help it Grow! Thank You!"


"Oh, Christ can Satisfy the Human Heart, and Though we Tend ta Cling ta Thoughts and Things, it's One who Always Cops ta Love who's SMART... and Gets the Blessings Holy Spirit Brings!"

Encouragement II

"I'd Like to Speak some Truths ta Honor You, 'cause You've been Kind enough ta Show ya Care; I'm very Sure, no Matter What ya Do, You've Got a WORLD o' Love inside ta Share!"

Practicing God's Presence

(to someone who needs to pray more – me!)

"O Pilgrim, Know that Love's a Free Will Act! Now, Why not Love your Self enough ta Pray? Next, Understand a Most important Fact: you've Got to Ask for Help, ta Learn the Way! You've Let your Pride persuade you Otherwise; now, How much Longer Are you Gonna Err? Do You expect ta Win the Booby Prize? Or Will ya Start ta Show some Loving Care?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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