The confession

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Oh no, why is Adrien in the girl's bathroom and did he just hear the whole thing? Did he see Tikki? Does he hate me? Does Alya hate me? Does Everyone hate me?

so many questions. Not one answer.

Narrator POV

Marinette stared at Her true love in front of her with the urge not to cry. 'Great' she thought. 'I really messed up this time'. Adrien started to walk closer to her and Marinette started to feel scared again.' what does he think of me ?' she wondered. He kept walking closer to the poor girl until he was left centimetres away from Marinette. 

Marinette closed her eyes not wanting to look at him as tears trickled down her soft vanilla shaded face. Adrien wrapped his arms around Marinette as she cried on his shoulder. Between breaths, she said 'I'm so sorry, it's all my fault'

Adrien smiled. 'That wasn't the Marinette everyone grew up to love, don't you think' he said. 'I was so evil, like... Lila evil. I let my emotions control me and when I came back to reality. I was shocked. I didn't believe I could do that' Marrinete sobbed. ' i have so many responsibilities that I  can't keep it all together and I let it all out on Chloe' she said.

Marinette was talking about everything. Her being ladybug, Kagami and Adrien, having to be isolated from friends and family so she can keep her identity secret. EVERYTHING. But Marinette talked about everything keeping her identity secret, of course. she said she had a secret and not that she was Ladybug. Adrien looked at her wide-eyed when she talked about Kagami and himself being in love and how she respected his feelings. She told him that she thought she might actually have a chance with him before Kagami came and ripped Marinette apart. She said that many girls loved him because he was rich, his father was a worldwide designer and of Adrien's looks But Marinette loved him because not only was he handsome but kind and caring, he stood up for everyone and was always humble. he complimented everyone and looked at everyone in a really good way. Marinette really cared about him. she told him about the scarf for his birthday and when she kept quiet about his Dad giving it to him because she just wanted to make him feel happy and give him hope that his father actually cared for Adrien. Marinette was different and reminded him of someone but he couldn't put his finger on it.


'wow, she is so brave, talking about her feelings like that and confessing her love for me' I thought. ' The truth is, I LOVE YOU ADRIEN, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You are perfection in my eyes and I feel so weak when I am around you. I can't talk to you without getting flustered and stuttering and saying something stupid to you all the time. I love you. there is said it. I promise myself every day that I will tell you and today is the day, but i... just couldn't' Marinette looked into those surprised emerald jewels of mine before turning away to leave. I reached her for her hand and brought her closer to me. she was blushing but scared of what I was going to do until I did it.

I kissed Marinette dupain-cheng.

the daughter of the best baker in Paris. The most helpful, talented, sweetest girl I have ever laid my eyes on.

when I pulled away, she blushed and looked at her hands. I smiled at her holding her hand as I let her outside to make an apology that was going to have to be sincere.

I looked at her and she looked unsure. I smiled at her that gorgeous smile and it immediately comforted her.

I think I just fell in love with Marinette Dupain-cheng.

(Finished. finally. I know this is a very short chapter but i think i should end it here. if you guys liked it thankyou.) 

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