♡1♡ Amazing Grace (BWWM)

429 18 16

In Mourning - PRESENT DAY

"Amazing grace. How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me..."

Kylin's Thoughts

If looks could kill, I would be dead a million times over.

Only a handful of the mourners knew me or knew of me, yet the frost generated by their jeering eyes pierced my thick skin like an icy breeze. The accusations laid on me by their glares sent a chill down my spine that straight through me. But honestly, what could I do? I'm still not sure what possessed me to agree to this mess in the first place.

Yes, it's true.

For a moment, I was caught up in this overwhelming desire to help someone who was in dire need. And of course, like a fool, I got sucked into her plight. I have come to acknowledge that my entire life has been plagued by my inability to just say one simple word. I can't figure out for the life of me why in the world I have such a hard time telling people NO? Even though I was sure I had made the biggest mistake of my life when I messed up by accidentally allowing someone to access all of my hard-earned savings, this situation I have found myself in is far more complicated than that. Now, that I'm right smack in the middle of this mess, my eyes have opened to the severity of the hell I have created for myself.

Why in the world didn't I just walk away and say no to the whole sorted affair the instant it was first proposed? The more pain that was heaped on me, the more I wished I had run far away from the choice I'd made.

I'm not a savior.

I can barely fix my own problems and stay on top of praying for my own misguided self.

And here I am like a fool trying to save someone else's soul.

The more I think about it, I'm convinced I agreed to something I never should have.

Even though my thoughts are consumed with my current state, I am eternally grateful for the exact moment when I felt the weight of the visitors' brooding glares shifting away from me. In the very instant that a noticeable pressure receded stopping on a dime, I no longer sensed the mountains of unsubstantiated accusations being hurled in my direction. I finally found myself able to exhale the breath I was too scared to let slip across my lips which had been drawn in so tightly, they would turn into a thin line if I continued to press them so close together.

Left feeling stripped down for the first time since I took a seat next to their leader, an overwhelming peace reminded me that I must remain patient.

No matter what happens, I'm pretty sure I can't stomach their accusations much longer, though.



The traditional hymns succeeded in redirecting everyone's focus back to the reason they were all in attendance. It was as if a holy presence descended from the heavens with instructions to soothe the congregation of mourners as the voice of an angel washed over the building. Thankfully, that was powerful enough to fill the space with hope and promise.

Her patient's frequent claims once insisted on the curative properties of music. Those beliefs were proven on that day. As with many other things in her life, the deceased woman had already prepared for the chaotic mess that was destined to trickle down to those whom she loved and trusted most.

By insisting that these melodious tunes would act as a balm against pain and suffering for those attending the funeral, the once terminally ill woman had managed to reach out from the unknown to place the minds of her family and friends at ease.

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