To Get You Back [Oneshot]

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"I've heard that you're suppose to be meet me tomorrow but you suddenly asked to visit today. Is there something urgent to tell? " She asked the admiral.

"Yes, it's kind of urgent Lady Athha. I really think that the sooner I talk to you is the better. "

She was stunned at the voice, she felt like she knew whose voice it was. Shook her head aimlessly, she thought she must be just hallucinating. He was at PLANTs, wasn't he? She recalled her memory. Not brave enough to see the person in front of her, so without lifting her head she said to him again, "Alright then, you can tell me now. This paperwork still has to finish this evening. So if you want to tell me anything, just tell me. I'm listening."

"I think it is rude to not look at the person you are talking with, right Lady Athha?"

'This guy has guts to speak to me like that?', she talked to herself. Well, only some people would talk like that to her and now she was sure that this person was the person she thought he was. One of some people that would easily talk casually to her.

"Are you really willing to look at your desk for this entire meeting?"he asked her again, waiting for her reply. She didn't immediately respond to the question, she was contemplating her next move. After a few seconds of another silence, she finally gave up and looked at the person in front of her.

"Fine, let's talk. Is it about something personal?"

"Both. I guess."

"First, I want to inform you that this paperwork can't wait. I have to finish these today. Can we talk about that personal affair some other day?"

"No, it has to be today."

He sounded firm, he didn't want to procrastinate this any longer. The Archangel crew, including him, arrived at ORB two weeks ago. He tried to communicate with Cagalli as soon as he arrived, but whenever he called the office, she always wasn't there or she was too busy to pick up calls from him, her secretary said. Until last week, he met Kisaka at Morgenroete and he told him that  Cagalli had been avoiding social interaction these days. Kisaka didn't know why for sure, but she seemed to close herself from the outside interaction that was not related to her work . She was swamped with her work, which also caused her to neglect her health. When he heard that, Athrun felt troubled. He decided to confront her as soon as possible, not just because he didn't like what he had just heard, but also there were other things that had to be discussed.

"Why?" she asked him.

"Because, we need to talk and avoiding me or in this case everyone, will not solve anything, Cagalli. Besides, I have to report to you too."

Cagalli looked at the man in front of her. Before the second war, she never thought their relationship would be rifted this way. They were not the type of lovey dovey couple like Kira and Lacus. They tended to keep the relationship to themselves. Of course, people close to them knew about their relationship, but it was not like they announced it to the whole world with some kind of public display of affection or anything. She used to believe, what they had was something precious, something that she believed would lead to a sweet future. However, in reality, fairy tale just didn't exist. She never believed in fairy tales before and now she was sure that she would never believe in it. Not after everything happened with them two. Reality was harsh and she acknowledged it now. Fairytale and happily ever after just never exist in the first place. 

Her gaze fell on his feature, he looked just the same as the last time she saw him two months ago before the Archangel went to the space to destroy the requiem. He looked troubled, she knew. Two years they had spent together was like a practice to her, she just knew, he didn't feel right, but this time was not only him. She was troubled too. 

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