contest of Mahabharathian

Start from the beginning

Email-4 by #Dharmapriyaa


Cc: victorytogoodness@gmail com, fightingforjustice@gmail com,,

Subject: Surprise!

Pitashris and Maa,

We can't even express how dearly we miss the fortune of touching your feet since twelve years! As the thirteenth year has begun, the wait now seems even more painful! Only the hope of seeing you again at the end of this year keeps us going We all are doing good. Worry not! Mamashris and Mamishris are never letting us feel lonely. Mamashri Krishna Himself is training us! Hope we won't fail to make you proud!

Today is your thirtieth wedding anniversary. You know, how many plans we had for this day since childhood! But, destiny is too cruel! Instead of enjoying the day, it forced you to live in incognito, maybe in separation from each other too, which is even worse!

But we are your children. We know how to smile in toughest situations! Let destiny not ruin our celebration! We dedicate this song to you, hoping to make you smile even within all the difficulties that surround you right now!

Happy anniversary to you, Pitashris and Maa! Love you loads!

With Pranaam and hugs,
Your kids.


Email-5 by #Dharmapriyaa


Subject: Come soon, we need you!


Hope everyone is doing well there. I feel bad to write this to you so soon after you left Indraprastha. It feels like we are being too selfish and not letting you enjoy the company of your family for long. But we have no other way. Sakha, just after you left, Devarshi Narada has arrived here. He carried a message from our venerable father who is in the high heaven. The message expressed father's wish to see us performing Rajasuya sacrifice. While we all are excited to start the campaign, Jyeshtha is still half-hearted to agree.

He doubts his ability to deserve the throne of emperor of Bharatavarsha. We all have tried our best, but he still feels that we are unable to see his shortcomings as a ruler out of love. He trusts only your opinion to be the ultimate and won't be convinced until he gets it directly from you. Hence come as soon As possible! We are eager to see you sOon!

With lots of love and warm hugs, Jishnu


Email-6 #Dharmapriyaa

From: a To:

Subject: Congratulations!

I can't resist crying in joy right now! Guess what! I have become a father! Yes, Chitra has given birth to a boy yesterday. l am yet to digest this new surge of happiness that has come with a lot of responsibility! Congratulations to you for being an uncle again! Suggest a beautiful name for him please! Sharing his pictures in the attachment!

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