Chapter 1: The Start

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It was a normal day for Lucas, the weather was sunny and he was having fun with his skateboard. While he was skating he heard a weird noise from an old house near his neighbourhood and he went there to check. He saw a light from the back house. He looked from the window and saw a weird man with a black cape which was covering him. The man saw the teenager and Lucas ran away as fast as he could from the old house to his home.
After thinking, he decided to go back there and see what exactly was happening. He got there and he hid near the back house where the man was last time. After hours of waiting the man appeared again. Lucas took a big shovel from the garden and went to the back house.
Fortunately for Lucas the man was not what was thinking. He was a scientist Dr. Andrew and invited Lucas in. Lucas impressed asked him why he was there and Andrew told him tha he had discovered something very dangerous for the human. The danger was: an powerful man from a an other dimension was searching for a black diamond and unfortunately the diamond is at the town where Lucas and Dr. Andrew lives. No one knew about the serious situation. Lucas asked Andrew if he could help and Andrew said that he needed help for finding the black diamond and destroy it before the man comes. The two man agreed to keep this a secret from the town and start the research.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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