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Your POV

Year:2016, December.

He's gone. He's free.

I'm not.

It has been over two hundred days. Got a feeling he's not coming back for me. 

I stared at the ceiling, trying my best to not loose my sanity in this hell of a room--more like a prison cell to be honest. It isn't exactly five stars either. But its where I'm kept, technically where I live.

I flinched at the sudden bang on the cell door. The door that locks us in here like goddamn animals. 

The door opened, revealing a soldier. He looked at me and I could feel his fear. Must be a new guy. Why is he scared, you ask? You'll find out soon enough.

Another soldier walked behind him, approaching me. I made direct eye contact with him.

"How can I help, Derek?" I asked sarcastically, and smirked at him.

"New mission, get ready in five" He threw a bag at me. I caught it effortlessly, as usual.

"Fun" I rolled my eyes.

The both of them went out, leaving me alone. I sighed as I got out from what I call my 'prison clothes' and into my mission attire.

I stared at my reflection in the partially broken and dirty mirror, and put my middle length hair in a high ponytail. And proceeded to put on my protective gears.

My attire was basically custom made, as it had a secure hoodie to protect my identity. 

"You'll get out of here one day" I said with determination. It's something I always say, before I go on a mission. And one goddamn day, I will get out of here, with or without his help. 

I looked at the electric collar strapped around my neck. They treat me and the rest like we're dogs, making sure we get punished for bad behavior, example: not following orders. Which I'm known for doing.

I hit on the door, signaling them that I'm ready. Derek opened the door, looking at me.

"Someone's seems eager to get their brain fried, again" Derek raised his eyebrows and smiled.

And yes before that, my best friend, Derek. We have a complicated relationship, but to sum it up : he does not treat me like shit. Basically he is a kind asshole who works here, why? I don't know.

"Well it's not like I have any other option now do I?" I smiled back.

We walked towards the place I call the Hell room. Am I exaggerating? I wish.

Derek shoved me into the metal chair and strapped my arms. I let out a frustrated groan because he put the strap on too tight.

I looked around for the son of a bitch, the asshole who has been putting my brain in a blender for the past four months. He always wears a mask over his face, I just assume that he is probably hideous. But I always wondered how the asshole looked like

Minutes later, he walked into the room, with the fucking book in his hand. I don't know if he just loves the book so much or his memory is so bad, that he can't remember ten damn words.

"Soldier, did you rest well?" He approached me.

I glared at him angrily, saying anything will just make it worse and more painful for me, speaking from experience.

"You're abnormally quiet today, bad mood, hmm?" He said casually with his thick Russian accent while pressing some buttons which controls the machine.


I took a deep breath as the machine powered up and the two metal things pressed against both sides of my head. What's it called? I have no idea but it's a fucked up torture machine I can tell you that.

Here we fucking go.

I screamed as it began to electrocute my brain, frying it. It hurts, it always hurts like hell, and I don't stop myself from screaming, fuck them.


He began to say those words, those ten triggering words which was in Russian.






I kept screaming, and I know I'm slowly losing control of myself, turning into a killer.






 "Ya gotov otvechet"


Hey there amazing readers!! This is the first chapter of this new book I'm writing. Do you guys like this concept and would you like to see more of this? Do leave a like and comment, I would really appreciate it! And this book is recently thought of and I've only drafted the plot and have barely begin to write, I apologize in advance for the slow updates!!

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