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(Bold is when the narrator is talking!)

Where's our third hero? Oh! There they are!

Y/N was walking around carrying a brown briefcase. They walked forward and almost stepped into a puddle. "O-oh, that was close..." They stuttered, carefully walking around the puddle. "Hey! Save the Yips? They have the Yaps!" A lady called, approaching them. "O-oh, uhmm... S-sorry I can't, Bye!"

"Hey, can you-" a man started saying. "Sorry! I can't!"

They continued briskly walking when they passed a small man. The small man started gasping, each time his expressions growning wider. Y/N was extraordinarily confused. The little man ran up to them and grabbed them down by their flannel scarf. (He is about at your chest).

"Wow! We have the same breifcase!" The little man exclaimed. "It's like we're breifcase buddies!" He continued. "O-oh, I- uhmmm... Guess that's cool?" Y/N slurred very confused.

"I'm Sam! Sam-I-Am! Who are you?"

"Oh! I-I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you, Sam!" Y/N answered, sticking out their hand. Sam shook their hand vigorously. "Wanna come to Donna's Diner with me?" Sam questioned. "Sure?" Y/N answered. They started walking together, talking all the way.

Sam and Y/N entered the diner. "Good morning Donna! Love what you've done with your fur!" Sam exclaims to Donna. "Oh, you! Same as it always is." She replied. Y/N was looking around when Sam started gasping again. Y/N looked over to see a man with wrinkled orange fur and a brown bent hat reading a newspaper in the corner.

"Oh, wow! Y/N, look at this! We're all breifcase buddies!" Sam yelled excitedly to Y/N, who he dragged along next to the man. "It's like, finding three matching snowflakes!" Sam continued. The man looked confused at Sam, then at Y/N. They shrugged and chuckled awkwardly. Sam sat down next to the man, and Y/N sat down next to Sam.

"It's an unremarkable breifcase sold in most major stores." The man replied. "And all three of us bought it! Plus, us three ending up sitting next to each other like this. I mean... Wow. I'm just gonna say wow!" Sam exclaimed. He stretched his arms out for dramatic effect when... There was nobody else there in the diner.

"I am Sam! Sam-I-Am! And this is Y/N L/N! What's your name, partner?" Sam asked the man. The man grumphed amd Sam took that quite literally. "Grrrumph! Lovely name. How do you spell that? Is that one rumph or two?"

Donna walked up. "So, Sam, I imagine you'll be having the ushe?" She asked. "If you insist." He replied. "And what will you be having, dear?" She asked, turning to Y/N.

"O-oh, Coffee Lover Special please..."

"One green eggs and ham and one Coffee Lover Special!" Donna called, sticking her bubble gum to the order paper and blowing it towards the kitchen. The man grumbled in disgust. Sam tapped on his paper and his eyes widened. He lowered his paper to face Sam. Sam gasped at his reaction to green eggs and ham. "You don't like green eggs and ham?" Sam asked, his expressions very sad.

"No, I do not like them, Sam-I-Am. I do not like green eggs and ham." He replied.

"Understood. Question asked and answered. No further queries necessary." Sam replied fairly dissapointed. Y/N peeked up after staring at the counter for a solid minute. "Hmm.. H-have you ever tried green eggs and ham before?"

The man sighed at their question. "No."

"Well, how can you be so sure you don't like 'em if you've never actually eaten 'em?" Sam questioned the guy.

"Well, I've never eaten Walvark droppings, but I'm certain I wouldn't enjoy those either."

"But green eggs and ham are the most deliciousist, nutritiousist, greenisist thing in the world! And PS, they're really good here." Sam claimed.

"That's fantastic. But I don't want them, here or otherwise."

"Tell you what, make that two orders of green eggs and ham, Donna. On me." Sam concluded. "No! Just oatmush! And a spoon!" The guy yelled at Donna.

"Sad Man's Special. Tsk! Suit yourself!" Sam replied. He looked over the guy's shoulder, seeing his newspaper, which had the watching paint ad circled. "Soo... What'd you fail at?"

"S-Sam! That's extremely rude!" Y/N lectured, pulling Sam back down to his chair. The guy growled at Sams antics. "Would you please just leave me alone?"

The three heard the chef call to Donna. The chef placed the green eggs and ham and the Coffee Lover Special onto the retrieval counter. Sam started jumping in his seat. Donna placed the two dishes in front of there respective patrons. Y/N had a cup of coffee and a coffee cake with a few small chocolate brownies.

"Excuse me, but I ordered mine first!" The man called to Donna. "Food comes out when it's ready." She replied. Sam was boasting about how good his dish is while the guy watches is disgust, and Y/N just sipped their coffee. All three of them turned when they heard the door dinging open. "What do you recommend for a celebration? Because... We're going to Meepville!" A group of people called.

Sam and Y/N looked over to see the guy was the only one to not have gone to Meepville and that he was an inventor. "U-uhm... Hey D-Donna? Sorry to bother you but... But one of my breifcase buddies is yet to g-get his oatmush." Y/N pointed out, gesturing towards the guy. "You got it dears," She said, putting down her own green eggs and ham. "Thanks Donna, you're a peach," Sam added. The guy looked surprised and thankful at his two breifcase buddies. Y/N and Sam just smiled warmly at him, Y/N being a lot more shy.

"Thank you," He stated. "N-no problem," Y/N replied. "That's what best friends are for!" Sam exclaimed, side hugging his two buddies. "I just met you two!" The guy yelled back, pushing off Sam. The guy finally got his special and sighed. He muffled a scream when he drank the entire VERY HOT bowl in one gulp. He shook it off and coughed out smoke.

He grabbed his newspaper and started walking away, paying Donna and tripping on one of the breifcases. He grabbed the one that fell and started walking away. "Great meeting you, Grumph!" Sam called out, the two buddies waving him goodbye. "My name is Guy!" He yelled before leaving.


Y/N softly closed the door to their house. They had walked home after taking what they thought their breifcase was. They had talked with Sam for hours until the diner closed. They turned on the t.v. to see a report about a dangerous Chickeraffe on the loose.

They sighed as they went to go pick up their breifcase. Sam was going to Meepville and invited them, and they had to go anyway so of course they agreed. They pulled out Sam's home adress from their fanny pack and sighed again. They placed it back into their fanny pack.

They opened their breifcase to find that it wasn't filled with art supplies but... Broken invention parts? "W-wait wait wait!!! This isn't my art supplies! This must be Guy's breifcase!" They stammered.

To be continued!

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