7. William's weakness at last!

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(one day to student's council meeting)

Khloe's POV;

"I'll talk to you later. Duty calls." I said, smiling.

"Okay. Send me a text later." Kendall said.

"My greetings and love to everyone. Tell Case and Scar I'll call them later." I hung up the call as someone knocked on my door.

The banging on my door increased. "I'm coming!" I yelled.

I got down from the bed and checked to see that it was Harry.
His voice was gruff as usual. "This came for the prince."

I opened the door and took the white envelope he held out to me. "So why are you giving me instead?" I eyed the envelope.

"You're in a better position to give it to him. I knocked on his door but he asked me to go away. He's on the phone with miss Veronica and you know how he gets. Please give it to him as soon as you can." Harry thrust out the envelope to me again and I took it, not sure what I was doing. He thanked me and I closed the room door after acknowledging his thanks with a small nod.

I eyed the envelope again. It was thin but quite big. It was from the students council board and it had the red stamp that all those important letters had. Something was wrong somewhere. Williamson himself was prince of England - he was the board himself. Why would they send him a letter? A written letter at that....
They could've sent him emails or just called him, whoever the board members were......

I'm going to let Will open the letter himself. He could be tricky sometimes, and maybe this was just one of his 'harmless' jokes.

I put on my slippers and went to his room. I entered after knocking two times without a reply.

He turned to glare at me. Clearly, he was still on the phone.

I waved the envelope in the air. "Will, this is important. It just came for you, it's from the students council. "

"Just a minute, cherry." He said to the phone before turning his head to face me. As usual, he was lying on his bed and rolling around, messing it up while talking to Veronica. Afterwards, he'd have me call someone to remake the bed. "I'm busy on the phone. I'll check it later."

"When?" I pushed further. "It's already almost dinnertime and the meeting is tomorrow. Can't you call her back after you read the letter?"

"No. I can't. Now get out, you're interrupting me. " He said, shooing me away.

But I wasn't giving up that easily. "You have to take this. It's top notch."

He gave me an angry stare. "Do you not see me on the phone right now?! Get that thing out of here, I'm sending a representative for me tomorrow. I can't be there. The timing is bad for me."

I widened my eyes at him. "What do you mean timing is bad?! You've got nothing on your schedule by six! And besides, you're England's crowned prince. You can't miss this."

"I'm England's crowned prince, not your son. Get out of here before I lose my temper."

I exhaled, decided to try and convince him one last time. "Fine. I'll leave if you tell me what it is that's so important, you can put the welfare of your school at stake for it."

He turned to his phone. "Baby, I'll call you in a second ,hmm? Thanks." He sat up on the bed. "Okay, mom. Since you won't leave me alone, I'll tell you anyways. " He snorted. "Not like there's anything you can do to stop me. I'm having a special dinner date with Vera and I have a splendid surprise for her -which, I will not tell you. You don't deserve to know what it is. Long story short, I'm going to enjoy my woman and I think it's a better thing to do than spend hours on end sitting on a chair, staring at all those boring faces trying to think of how to 'improve' the school. " He finger-quoted the word improve. "I mean, what do I care? I have a month to  graduate college. Two months at most. I don't  care about the welfare of the school anymore."

The Bodyguard. (By Twistedgoth10)Where stories live. Discover now