Start a riot

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A/n: anarchy? Straight satisfying to watch bro. Here's a oneshot about it.

Prompt: you're at a protest, a riot breaks out and things start getting violent. Luckily a stranger jumps in to save you.

You were standing for what's right, screaming at the top of your lungs in the streets. You were prepared, you knew the cops didn't give a shit about the safety of the protesters so you were wearing all the safety gear you could. Knee and elbow pads, long sleeves, mask and goggles. What were you standing up for? More action against kira. When the Kira riots started to break out, the L supporters came crawling out of the woodworks and started protesting against them. And because kira was involved, you all covered your faces or any identifying features.

This turn out was massive, in the middle of the city two huge groups of people were screaming at each other. The cult of kira worshipers preaching like he's a god, and the L supporters trying to knock some sense into them, and mocking the cops for backing down from kira. You knew some were still on the case but the fact many of them resigned from it was absolutely disgusting.

It was loud, filled with people screaming and chanting. You would barely see over all the signs. L's logo painted onto your shirt and your sign reading 'fuck kira, fuck the pathetic justice system, fuck your cult'

There was graffiti of both the opposing logos all over the surrounding builds, broken windows, tipped over bins, smashed cop cars. People were mad, really mad. It was a mess.

Team L was mad at the cops for backing down from the case, Team kira was mad at them for not realising their whole database is criminals to the public. And of course teams L and Kira were mad at each other.

You'd pushed your way through the crowd as close to the front as you can, you could see the riot cops standing in a big human wall behind their shields trying to seperate the two groups. All you could hear was pure anger.

"He's killed innocent people!"

"Not all crimes are punishable by death!"

"Kira isn't a god"


"The blood of thousands on your hands"

Over and over, until your throat started to hurt. In all honesty, in this horrible situation you were actually having fun standing up for yourself. But all that fun quickly drained from your body when you suddenly saw an object fly over the barricade of shields and hit the ground in front of you. A smoke bomb. Followed by loud bangs of more smoke bombs and the spraying of pepper spray. The bangs of guns and the chanting quickly switched to screams.

This wouldn't stop the riots, just halt them temporarily. Coughing from the smoke, you backed away until you could see again. People started to scatter. Everybody around you coughing and screaming as gunshots rang in the background.

People ran past you, bleeding from their arms, having asthma attacks, screaming in pain from the pepper spray. It was clear you needed to get out of here and come back when the riot died down. So you ran, wheezing from the smoke.

You watched as people scattered, some throwing rocks at windows of buildings and police cars as one last fuck you for the day. This would just happen again tomorrow but for not you had to run.

You skidded around the corner, seeing people hiding in the corners to help those injured. You saw a smile bomb fly over your head and land directly in your path, it exploded in front of you causing you to skid to a stop so you could change direction. But before you could, a hot fragment of the bomb hit your leg, burning a hole in your pants and burning your skin.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now