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I never expected life to be like this. Me, a 21 year old, newly single mother to a healthy baby boy , divorced from my ex-husband/pop star Eddie Duran.. My life was perfect before my baby boy was born. Eddie and I had a perfect life. After eddies label signed me.. Eddie an I had decided to partner up. Which was going pretty good, we had several #1 single's. which were hot for weeks. we won several awards for each and every single we had along with the three albums that went out . we had three successful tours. After our third tour we realized we were it for each other and got married. It was the life ...special meals Eddie would surprise me just because or after a long day of working in the studio. Weekends alone at the bungalow. Anything you could think of Eddie did it for me.. Six months after Our wedding. Eddie and I found out I was pregnant. When that happened I don't remember who was more excited me or Eddie... But the more I think about it,it was Eddie who was more excited.. Ha, I remember an hour after we found out Eddie had took off and went to purchase two dozen balloons . Twelve pink and thee other twelve blue.. All saying " congratulations!"
The nine months while I was pregnant with my baby boy were the best... Anything I needed was done. If I need a foot rub, Eddie was there with lotion. If I wanted a sandwich, Eddie was there making it for me. I barely lifted a finger. Eddie even had the nursery done. (professional's did the room, Eddie assisted them ) He had a baby shower done for me ( not including the one Mel Insisted on doing for me.) even thou I was pregnant I remember feeling like I wasn't doing my responsibility as his wife. I felt like I wasn't making him happy. All Eddie kept doing was making me happy which i really had appreciated it at the time. So I tried to do something special for him. Tried being the key word. I remember planning to make dinner for Eddie but I wasn't aloud to do anything. I was on my third trimester. Which when most women are on there third trimester they apparently feel very fat, and tired and not wanting to do anything but sleep. That wasn't my case.. Mostly. Anyway Eddie found out I was planning a special dinner for him and all he said was," babe you give me everything already just by breathing." So basically threw the whole pregnancy I felt like a queen. Everything was handed to me. Even when Eddie was gone.. My mom and papa max where there to fill the void for my husband who was away on tour making money for our little family. Eddie hated thee idea of leaving me and going away on tour. Eddie and I were a team on and off the stage in his eyes if I couldn't go away neither could he.. Thou we managed to get him there. It took Me, papa max, mom, Mel and her fiancé/ Eddies best friend Ian, Jake, kelly, to get him to go and tour solo it was hard but we prevailed. But Even when Eddie was away it felt like he was there with me .. We skyped everyday and no to mention everyday while he was gone the baby and I got an unexpected gifts. It was all ...good...
I know what your thinking... If I had a husband that that waited on me hand and foot why was all of it just good...?
Shouldn't it be wonderful instead if good? Well... it was, I just haven't gotten to the wonderful part yet...
The wonderful part was when Eddie gave me the most wonderful precious gift I could ever have.. He gave me our son. Declan Maximus Duran. Eddie had arrived just in time for our son to be that day is a blurr.. I remember Eddie being there for me and our son.
I had everything, a loving husband a family who loved me, a career I always dreamed of having. And now When baby Declan was born I thought he would bring Eddie and I closer together.. I though he would make everything whole.I was...wrong.
The first two months seemed great... our son was great... Thou I didn't know it at the time. Baby Declan was slowly pulling me and Eddie apart... Eddie and I would constantly fight... Eddie would always complain that we never had any alone time anymore that ,I was spending my time more with Declan taking care of him... I couldn't really argue with Eddie, he was right... Declan was taking a lot of my time... Staying up with him at night... Making sure Declan didn't bother Eddie at night since he had to work, I was always the one who fed, bathed, and changed him. Declan was a full time job. A full time job Eddie and I ,didn't expect coming but it had to be done, which I loved! Eddie wanted to spend time with me so bad that he hired a full time stay at home nanny. Eddie getting the nanny pissed me off... it felt as thou Eddie was trying to say that I didn't know how to take care of our son that he had to bring someone in to take over. That had pushed me over the edge. Eddie and I had a huge fight... Which I thought was nothing and would just blow over the next day. But that fight was huge for Eddie because I was slowly realizing I was seeing more Declan then Eddie... When Declan would finally go to sleep Eddie was getting up and heading off to work... So I never saw him... Or talked to him. When I needed groceries I would text Eddie whatever I needed. I would get the groceries only when the groceries came... It wasn't Eddie Who brought them , it was Steven . the assistant from the record label bringing and putting away my stuff I ordered .thats when I knew things were never gonna be the same again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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