The Departure

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Manas was waiting at the garage for both of them had decided to meet there. Meera had also said that there might be a possibility that she wouldn't show up on time so just leave on time. But Manas was sure that she would come . However she didn't, how could she? She had gone, gone to the other world . Manas was surprised that she didn't she show up but he visiting her and then heading for the airport would make him late.
He left from there and headed for the airport  . He was excited about his travel and London that he didn't even call her up. Well to see from a point it was great that he didn't for did he come to know about her , he couldn't have had the courage to leave America .
There Mr. Khanna was crying and making arrangements for her daughter's funeral. He told Manas'parents about her but asked them try not to reveal this to Manas as long as possible.
Everyone except for Manas showed up. Mr Khanna couldn't even read his eulogy for his daughter. He literally had no one now for whom he wanted to live .
Manas was amidst the clouds . He looked at the clouds and thought of her that how she always used to spot some arbitrary images in the clouds and how much she loved the rains. He decided that as soon as he would reach London, he'd call her up.
Somewhere Manas , but knew that the Manas who has departed from here would never be the same. He would have to survive in this whole new world now. And thinking it without her sent chills through his body. But that's life, walk, run, fall, crawl , do all that you can do to survive , but never stop. That fire shouldn't die . That desires shouldn't die. That love shouldn't die.
Both of them had departed, one on a celestial cruise while the other one on life's expedition.
While looking at the sky , little did he know that the ground reality would hit him hard like never before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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