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I was tagged by Porpentina-Goldstein

Here you go people


Facts about me

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Facts about me

1. I'm a girl, basically a Tom-boy to be more particular.

2. I'm from Pakistan.

3. I SHIP Drarry and Dramione.

4. My celebrity crush is Tom Felton, Tom Holland and it was love at first sight when I saw Tom Riddle in the Chamber of Secrets.

5. My real account on Wattpad is MiraculousDramione. If you want to know me in person text me there.

6. I'm a dare-devil, completed every single dare.

7. Charlie_The_Weasley aka Mari_Noir_Lover is my real sister.

8. I have never been in a relationship.  Idk why, but I HATE human touch.

9. My celebrity ships are Felson and Shawmila ♥♥♥

10. I'm a huge fan of One Direction and BTS.

11. My crush is my Bestest Best Friend.

12. I'm Straight but I support all Bis, Gays and Lez.

13. I'm a big Fan of Emma Watson and she is my role-model.

Here you have 15 awesome people

1. wisdomdemigod101
2. Imreindeergames
3. stufffff-i-guess
4. 18savagek
5. HappySparky241
6. mischief_mangled
7. -ProfessorMcGonagall
8. Black_Swan_Song
9. CakeGirl6868
10. Yela_gels
11. Legendary_Etta_7
12. itsandriuu
13. Mione_Draco_Malfoy
14. Pickett_Skywalker
15. TheVolunteerOfVFD

Is the name interesting enough. Thanks to GayDrarryMess for this information. It is the longest words in the dictionary and in an ironic twist, it means the fear of long words.

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