"You taste good."

I reached out to jab him in the side. "I'm gonna stab you in the face." I muttered.

He muffled his laughter in the seat. We were maybe twenty minutes from the cabin now. I tried not to think about how that one spot on my palm still felt warm.

We arrived a little after two. Tyler, the owner of the cabin, had left the key on the screened in porch. I opened it up while Loki, after much coercing, pulled the luggage in. I called Tyler and told him we had got in just fine and were settling in. He said he'd stop by tonight to pick up the money. Loki and I settled in and unpacked, planning our stay. We'd go visit the town and maybe hike, see the movie and have a nice dinner Sunday night. We'd leave Monday evening, after dinner. For now, I decided to head to the store before it got too dark.

I left Loki at the cabin and eased the car down the winding roads. There was a small supermarket in town and I just walked through, grabbing snacks and necessities for breakfast and lunch. I was in the checkout lane when I saw Tyler. I only recognized him by his picture on the website. I went over and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Ebony."

"Oh, hey!" He said, smiling. We shook hands and I told him I could pay him now. "Yeah, that's great. That way I don't have to drive up those roads. Be careful up there, especially at night." I nodded and handed him a small envelope in my bag.

"Thanks so much." I said. I smiled and got back into my line. I went back to the cabin, pulling in and dragging all the bags inside. Loki was nowhere to be found. I put the things away and then went outside, calling for him.

"There you are." He said. I jumped and turned around, finding him on the small roof above the porch. He held out a hand. I climbed on the porch railing and grasped both his hands. He pulled me up, grunting with the effort. I yelped and landed on top of him, sprawled on the little roof. He straightened us out and we lay back with our feet against the gutter to keep us up.

"What are we doing up here?" I asked, laying my head on his shoulder.

He waved his hand and a small cloth appeared beside him. He handed me a plate piled with rice and chicken and veggies. A small tilted table that fit perfectly on the roof appeared and he rested two glasses of wine on them, smiling at my amazed expression. "Go on," He said. "Eat."

I smiled at him and grabbed the fork he handed me, digging in. We ate in comfortable silence, watching the sun drift across the sky and the clouds float past. Finishing up, I laid my head on his shoulder. He waved his hand and the dishes disappeared.

"Where do they go?" I asked curiously.

"Scattered into atoms." He explained quietly. He pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me, still staring up at the sky. I looked up at him and smiled at the contentment in his eyes.

"What is the sky like on Asgard?"

"The most beautiful sky there is. The stars shine brighter than ever and the moons loom large on the horizon. It's a purplish blue sky that gets lighter during the day and darker, almost black like yours, at night. I could sit and stare at it forever and never grow tired."

I leaned up and looked closely at him. "And what about our sky? I think it's pretty dang amazing."

He smiled down at me and reached up to gently raise my chin. "I'd be more than content to lie here and look at the stars with you for nights on end." He kissed me gently, his hand cupping my chin. I turned in his arms and returned the kiss, sighing as he pulled back. He tugged me closer and turned so that I was lying halfway underneath him. He kept one hand on my waist while his lips lowered again to capture mine. This time there was more force behind it.

The world seemed to take a turn around the sun at least once before we separated. He smiled against my neck, waiting for his breath to return to normal. I laughed suddenly. His eyes shot up to mine.

"Look at us," I said. "Making out on the roof."

He chuckled. "Shall we go inside then? I make no promise that I'll behave once we make it to the bedroom. I've only barely managed to be civilized now."

I smiled. "You're so cute when you try to be sexy."

He wrinkled his nose, pulling away. "I am not cute. And damn you, I am sexy. As many women can attest to." I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, talk about your old girlfriends to me, smooth." I laughed when he cringed. "C'mon mister sexy. I'm goin to bed. And no, you're not invited."

"Well then," he growled, pulling me back down, "I should take advantage now, shouldn't I?"
His arms wrapped tight around my waist and I let him roll me back under him for another breathtaking, heart-stopping kiss. But I knew my limits and if the pressure against my hip was anything to go by, he was nearing his.

It was near dark when I gently pushed him away, gasping for breath.

He closed his eyes and groaned quietly, sliding to rest his forehead on my shoulder. "By the gods, you could bring me to my knees with that mouth."

"Bedtime." I sighed, sitting up. He smiled hopefully as I maneuvered to jump down. "Still not invited."

"Damn it all."

Heart of a Mortal (Loki Romance)Where stories live. Discover now