Part 1

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His fingers gently stroked the bare skin of my thigh. I looked into his eyes and listened to one of his humorous stories. It was one of the best morning I've ever had, the first morning I woke up to him. After awhile, a silence fell upon us. He propped his elbow up on the bed and whispered "How do you look so beautiful in the morning?" With a shy smile tugging on my lips, I leaned in to kiss him, just as my lips brushed against his, a loud thud traveled through the walls of his flat. Within secounds, the bedroom door flew open, reveling a angry girl. "You liar!" She yelled. With my eyes wide, I pulled away from Louis, "how could you cheat on me?" She hollered. My eyebrows raised and I looked at louis , who had a terrified expression on his face. "You should leave" he anxiously said, "who is she?" I asked. "His fiance" the girl answered for him. My mouth dropped and Louis stood to his feet, " Brianna, please just let me ex-" "No!" I stood up from the bed and started to grab your things. " you want me to leave? Then I'll leave!" I spat. Storming out of the flat, you could hear Louis yell "Brianna wait!"

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