Prologue --- the Day

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I wake up with a pounding heart again.

Nightmares had disturbed my sleep since the day of the reaping is coming. Somehow the nightmares are all the same: Our escort Audery Tonkirt carefully picked up a piece of paper from the reaping ball containing all the girls aged 12-18 from district 5, then she smoothed the slip of paper and screamed out the name which she saw on the paper. It's not any other girls' name, it's Capillia Heartten --- my name.

Suddenly my stepsisters Arteria and Veinia storm into my room.

"You little scamp, get out from your bed! You should be preparing Veinia and my reaping dress, not daydreaming in your bed! " Arteria screams, as if I drown her pet cat Heart into the river near our home.

"Yes, my dear Arteria and Veinia. Your dresses will be hanging there im your bedrooms soon after you eat your breakfast. " I say humbly to my 'dear' Arteria.

"Thanks Capillia. " says Veinia gratefully, she hands me my brunch --- two loafs of bread and two slices of cheese. I stare open-mouth at the food, I've never eat that much for brunch.

"Thank you Veinia." I whisper happily, I'm really happy to have that much of food, even it is just a little portion of the stepsister's breakfast.

Arteria is not impressed, she gave us both a cold stare and storm away, with Veinia after her. I hear that she say something about don't be kind and friendly to me to Veinia.

I need to start working, so I start to eat my brunch, thinking about how happy I was before the disaster strikes.

I'm once have a happy family. My name is actually Volcania Endian. My father was a normal worker, but yet he is a cheerful and a loving father. My mom is a beautiful and kind mother, she always tell stories or sing us lullabies. Also I have an elder sister Lavinia, she is a kind sister and she always listens to me whatever I am angry, depressed.

The disaster strikes when my sixteen-year-old sister fell in love with a peacekeeper Duhmer. Peacekeepers are not allowed to love so they decided to flee, but where? So my father told them to wear the Capitol clothes and did plastic surgery to Lavinia so that she look like a girl from Capitol then they flee to district 13 which my father said that it did exist.

Unfortunately the fleeing plan was discovered by the Mayor Heartten, but when he figured out what happened Lavinia and Duhmer already fled. Mayor Heartten then killed my father then he saw my mother, young and pretty, then he married my mother and have Arteria and Veinia as my stepsisters. My stepfather hates me and seperated my mother and me, then turned me into a servant, lastly changed my name to Capillia Heartten. I remember the Mayor tell my dad that Duhmer was dead and Lavinia was turned into an avox before he stabbed the knife into my father's body.

After eating my brunch, I immediately leave my little wooden house in the backyard of the mayor's house to get my stepsisters' reaping dresses. Arteria's dress is a creamy dress and Veinia's dress is a violet dress. After hanging their dresses, I go back to my little house to have a quick wash then quickly slip in my reaping dress which is the most beautiful dress I have ever owned. My reaping dress is as pretty as my stepsisters', which is because I'm still a daughter of the Mayor, so I cannot wear a dirty dress to the reaping.

When I am still looking at myself in the mirror, Arteria and Veinia came in and we walk to the square to show that the mayor's daughters are always stick together. Now my nightmare might happen but the chance are rare because we daughters of the mayor don't need to take tessarae.

But there is still chance that that nightmare will come true.

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