Cupid's Arrow 💘// PROLOGUE

Start from the beginning

And there he was.

As if time stops for a moment and my heart skips a beat...

Even when I'm at the very far back of the gymnasium.

I saw him, standing and waving his hand with a beautiful smile on his face.

I don't know the exact reason why he's waving but I didn't care because something weird was happening inside of me.

His smile is so genuine. Like a colorful rainbow that appeared after the thunderous storm, giving hope to who he interact with.

And his face...god, It's like a god sculpted him or when it was raining with attractiveness, he was super soaked with it.

Ughhh, I don't why I can't describe his face but only the word 'cute'...

"Wow..." I said softly.

Red blush forming on my face as I stared at the beautiful boy standing on the stage.

"I've never seen a person with such a cute face and a beautiful smile..."

Amidst the thunderous clapping and loudl cheering of my schoolmates, I'm here, silently admiring him.

"Alright, Alright! Be quiet everyone! Before you all continue cheering at our new set of student officers. we'll recite The Council oath first."

I was shocked that everyone fell into total silence as Mr. Lee instructed the students officers on the stage to raise their right hands.

Just like what I've said earlier, I don't have any interest in this event so I don't know what a 'Council oath' is but that didn't matter to me. I still put my attention to the boy who his face is now serious as they go on with their oath.

"...I will do my duty as a student officers to lead my fellow school mates with..."

"Even when he's serious, he's still cute..."


My eyes widened. I'm surprised that those words appeared on my mind. Like why do I think he's cute?!

I look down at my sketch pad on my hands, trying to figure out what's happening to me.

"What's this weird sensation on my stomach?"

Weirdly, this feeling on my stomach didn't leave me and my face is red hot due to blushing so hard.

"Gawd... what's happening to me?"

I'm confused??

Why am I feeling like this?

Is it because of the boy?

Maybe, maybe not...

I looked over on the stage again to see the boy who now has a sash across his body that says 'PRESIDENT', adjusting the mic stand.

"Hello everyone! I'll shorten my speech because I know you'll excited for lunch..."

Loud responses of 'YES!' and 'We're hungry!!' were heard.

The boy chuckled at the replies he got.


My heart beats more loudly and faster after I heard that chuckle. Not knowingly, my face blushed even redder as he continues his speech.

"Anyways, I'm grateful to everyone who voted for me. I will not let you down and I will oblige to what I've promised in order to maintain our school's excellence and also to lead you all with determination and hope for our future. That's all, My name is Arthur Blackwell...

Thank you!"

For the last time, Everyone started applauding loudly, giving support to the newly elected school officers.

I just quietly staring at the boy as he waves his hands to everyone.

And as if his presence only makes my heart beats faster.

In the big crowd of students, cheering and clapping loudly.

We made eye contact.


Like, I'm at the very back of the gym and somehow he manages to look over at me.

But I didn't complain about it. I'm happy that even from afar, I can see his eyes, sparkling in joy.

I thought at first he's staring at the door behind me so I pointed at my back but he shake his head and points at himself, suggesting that he's staring at me.

"Smile" He mouthed at me and  proceeds to show me his beautiful smile

My heart stopped. My face is full on red now. Everything inside me is unstable. I don't why I'm experiencing this. This is the first time that I'm like this...

Despite everything happening to me, I followed what he said and smiled.

"Good!" He gives me a thumbs up before turning his attention to other students.

I still don't know what's happening to me...

But I was extremely happy... in some way.

All I know about him is his name but in my heart, I want to be apart of his world.

To love him with all my heart.

To spend time with him together till the end of time.

Many thoughts are in my head at the moment.

But one question stood out from all the thoughts in my head.

"Is this what they call feelings?"

I guess that maybe cupid shot me by one of his love arrows because from that day on, I may or may not be hopelessly in love with our student council president. Arthur Blackwell.💘

Prologue End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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