Chapter 2 - Friendships, New and Old

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A gentle breeze gleamed through the air as I crouched down to Tanjiro with a large smirk, peering on at his half-shocked, half-terrified expression. I held out a hand in friendliness as Nezuko's defensive stance broke down, leaving her to only watch me. Tanjiro, still shaking from shock, accepted the handshake.

'It really has been such a long time..

..right Tanjiro?'.


A few hours later.

Y/n PoV

A deafening silence engulfed the bloody scene as we all gave our sincerest respects to the massacred family. Numerous burials stuck out of the glistening snow, all of which were messily created from nearby sticks and stones, as the miserable stench of blood wafted through the chilling air. It had taken a few hours, but the mini-cemetery had finally finished construction. My gaze drifted over to the gleaming blue of the sky, it's majestic glow staring right back at me. Clouds of cotton slowly danced through the blanket of blue, morphing and changing into disfigured shapes. Humongous trees of brown scattered through the mountainous region as a canvas of glistening white slept upon it. I finally turned my gaze back to the siblings, whose gazes were glued to the burials in nostalgia, desperately trying to piece together happy memories of their past.

"Takeo.. Hanako.. Shigeru.. Rokuta.. Mother.." Tanjiro murmured to himself as his face scrunched up, avoiding the urge to cry. I gave him a soft pat on the back in comfort as his little sister clenched his hands, probably also feeling Tanjiro's despair. Suddenly, Tanjiro, who was still on the verge of tears, swiftly turned his back to the cemetery, his glistening eyes glaring at the mountainous landscape afar. "Your name.. was Y/n, right?" Tanjiro asked as he wiped his tears with his backhand. I nodded as minute sniffles came from the young boy.

"Y/n.. do you know a way.. to turn demons.. into humans?" Tanjiro questioned, his eyes slowly regaining composure. My gaze wafted over to Nezuko, who was silently comforting her brother, as I rushed through my memories, trying to gain any sort of helpful answer.

".. Yes, I do." I answered as Tanjiro's eyes gleamed up in surprise, a burst of unwarranted joy flowing through him. "But, you'll both need to become stronger if you want any chance of doing so.". Tanjiro nodded diligently, his prior despair suddenly vanishing, as he turned to Nezuko, shouting in gleeful joy.

'Stronger than God itself.' I silently thought to myself, continuing my previous thought. The siblings leapt in anticipation, crunching the snow beneath their feet. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind, illuminating me with an insatiable curiosity.

My gaze immediately turned to Nezuko, sharpening and focusing, as I vaguely examined her vein and chakra systems, looking for any unnatural signs. Lines of pink flushed through her chakra system as a mysterious, almost demonic, reddish chakra followed suite, rushing through her chakra system in an invasive pattern; Uncle Muzan's chakra. However, unlike every other normal demon, whose chakra would've been completely engulfed by Uncle Muzan's in seconds, Nezuko's chakra seems to be having a battle against Muzan's; a war, perhaps. I shook my head, shaking off my complex thoughts, and continued to peer on at the sibling's tantrum of joy.

After a few minutes of jumping and singing, the duo turned back to me, their beady eyes thirsty for curiosity.
"Y/n, how do I become 'stronger'?" Tanjiro asked he swiftly put up two hands, imitating a boxer's stance. "Is it like this?".

Loneliness (KNY x Naruto x Male Reader) NO MORE HIATUSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora